Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
Политехнический институт |
Высшее |
1973 |
Name of the scientific degree |
Branch of science |
Graduation Date |
Доктор |
20/06/1997 |
Name of academic title |
Date of assignment |
Профессор |
27/01/1999 |
File name |
Headline |
Description |
Examination and Monitoring in Education |
Силлабус исправленный Кусаинов |
Отредактирован |
World system for assessment quality of education |
Мировые системы оценки качества образования |
силлабус |
Socio-pedagogical Expertise |
Socio-pedagogical Expertise |
Карта на 2015 |
Socio-pedagogical Expertise |
силлабус Социально-пед.экспертиза-1 |
Socio-pedagogical Expertise |
Socio-pedagogical Expertise |
Лекция 1 |
Socio-pedagogical Expertise |
Midterm Exam-1 |
Management Strategies and Trends for Development of Education in the World and Kazakhstan |
Содержание семинарских занятий |
Management Strategies and Trends for Development of Education in the World and Kazakhstan |
Пәнді қамтамасыз етудің оқу |
книгообеспеченность |
Management Strategies and Trends for Development of Education in the World and Kazakhstan |
Пәнді қамтамасыз етудің оқу |
Management Strategies and Trends for Development of Education in the World and Kazakhstan |
Кусаинов Силлабус |
Management Strategies and Trends for Development of Education in the World and Kazakhstan |
Методические указания для выполнения СРДП и СРД |
Management Strategies and Trends for Development of Education in the World and Kazakhstan |
Management Strategies and Trends for Development of Education in the World and Kazakhstan |
Задание на Midterm Exam |
8 неделя |
Educational qualimetry and management of education quality |
Учебное пособие_ Учебно-методическое пособие Развитие региональной системы оценки качества образования и механизмов управления качеством образования (опыт санкт-петербурга) |
Educational qualimetry and management of education quality |
Educational qualimetry and management of education quality |
книгообеспеченность |
Educational qualimetry and management of education quality |
пед квалиметрия Силлабус-2 |
силлабус |
Educational qualimetry and management of education quality |
Educational qualimetry and management of education quality |
Квалиметрия лекция |
Actual PPoblems of Comparative Social Pedagogy/ |
Силлабус Актуальные проблемы СП |
Actual problems of the history of education and educational policy of Kazakhstan |
Силлабус (3) |
Actual problems of the history of education and educational policy of Kazakhstan |
Силлабус (3) |
Theory of Education |
Білім беру мазмұнын сұрыптаудың педагогикалық теориялары |
Theory of Education |
__аза__стан Республикасында б¦л¦м беруд¦ ж__не __ылымды дамытуды__ 2016 |
Theory of Education |
книгообеспеченность |
Theory of Education |
АК силлабус |
Theory of Education |
Тезисы лекции по курсу |
Pedagogy of Professional Education |
Қосым.мат. Кәсіптік педагогика негіздері. |
Pedagogy of Professional Education |
карта книгообеспеченности по дисциплине Педагогика профильного образования |
Pedagogy of Professional Education |
силлабус КП |
Pedagogy of Professional Education |
силлабус КП |
Strategic Management in Education |
Тақырып бойынша қосымша материалдар |
Strategic Management in Education |
_Каплан Р., Нортон Д., Стратегические карты |
Strategic Management in Education |
Книгообесп по СтрМен |
Strategic Management in Education |
силлабус Стратегич менеджмент |
Strategic Management in Education |
Strategic Management in Education |
Семинар сабақтарын жүргізу барысы бойынша әдістемелік нұсқаулар |
Strategic Management in Education |
стратег СРМП |
Strategic Management in Education |
лекция тезисы |
Strategic Management in Education |
Midterm exam тест формасында өтеді (1) |
Evaluation and Quality Management of Education |
Силлабус ОиУКО |
Evaluation and Quality Management of Education |
задания и метод рек сем-м зан-м |
Evaluation and Quality Management of Education |
Контр, экз вопросы(1) |
Management Strategies and Trends for Development of Education in the World and Kazakhstan |
Кусаинов Силлабус (1) |
Management Strategies and Trends for Development of Education in the World and Kazakhstan |
Кусаинов Силлабус (1) |
Examination and Monitoring in Education |
Силлабус исправленный Кусаинов |
Actual problems of the history of education and educational policy of Kazakhstan |
№ 1 Лекция |
Actual problems of the history of education and educational policy of Kazakhstan |
задания и метод рек сем-м зан-м |
Actual problems of the history of education and educational policy of Kazakhstan |
Силлабус новый 19-20 Қазақстандағы білімдендіру саясатының және білім беру тарихының өзекті мәселелері |
Designing of educational programs of the school and university |
Карта учебно-методической обеспеченности дисциплины ББЖ docx (1) |
Designing of educational programs of the school and university |
Семинар сабағына нұсқаулық с титульным 2 (1) |
Designing of educational programs of the school and university |
ДӨЖ тапсырмаларына нұсқаулық (2) |
Designing of educational programs of the school and university |
Дәрістер жинағы новый (2) |
Designing of educational programs of the school and university |
Карта учебно-методической обеспеченности дисциплины ББЖ docx (1) |
Designing of educational programs of the school and university |
Силлабус новый 19-20 (1) |