Main / Philosophy and Political Science / Pedagogy and Educational Management / Текесбаева Анар Молдакыновна

Текесбаева Анар Молдакыновна

Position Доцент
Pedagogy and Educational Management
File name Headline Description
Curriculum management
Theories and Concepts of Comparative Education: Domestic and International Experience
Inclusive Education
Inclusive education
Educational Technologies in Education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Inclusive Education
Socio-pedagogical work in crisis centres
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Theories and Concepts of Comparative Education: Domestic and International Experience
Theories and Concepts of Comparative Education: Domestic and International Experience
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
Curriculum management
Socio-pedagogical work in crisis centres
Pedagogy of higher education
Inclusive Education
Inclusive Education
Socio-pedagogical work in crisis centres
Pedagogy of Higher education
Educational Technologies in Education
Theories and Concepts of Comparative Education: Domestic and International Experience
Pedagogy of higher education
Educational Technologies in Education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Theories and Concepts of Comparative Education: Domestic and International Experience
Inclusive Education
Curriculum management
Socio-pedagogical work in crisis centres
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Inclusive Education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Social Management in the Education System
Theories and Concepts of Comparative Education: Domestic and International Experience
Socio-pedagogical work in crisis centres
Inclusive Education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Socio-pedagogical work in crisis centres
Theories and Concepts of Comparative Education: Domestic and International Experience
Pedagogy of higher education
Inclusive Education
Inclusive Education
Curriculum management
Socio-pedagogical work in crisis centres
Theories and Concepts of Comparative Education: Domestic and International Experience
Pedagogy of higher education
Social Management in the Education System
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
Pedagogy of higher education
Socio-pedagogical work in crisis centres
Curriculum management
Pedagogy of Higher education
Curriculum management
Inclusive Education
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
New standards and curricula in secondary school
Inclusive Education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Inclusive Education
Curriculum management
New standards and curricula in secondary school
New standards and curricula in secondary school
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
Examination of educational and methodological support of the educational process
Pedagogy of higher education
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
Educational Technologies in Education
Curriculum management
Inclusive education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
New standards and curricula in secondary school
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
New standards and curricula in secondary school
Inclusive education
Educational Technologies in Education
Examination of educational and methodological support of the educational process
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
Examination of educational and methodological support of the educational process
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
Curriculum management
Curriculum management
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Educational Technologies in Education
Pedagogy of higher education
Inclusive education
New standards and curricula in secondary school
Social Management in the Education System
Inclusive education
Inclusive education
Pedagogy of higher education
New standards and curricula in secondary school
Educational Technologies in Education
Pedagogy of Higher education
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
Pedagogy of higher education
Curriculum management
Examination of educational and methodological support of the educational process
Pedagogy of higher education
New standards and curricula in secondary school
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
Examination of educational and methodological support of the educational process
Educational Technologies in Education
Pedagogy of higher education
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
Social Management in the Education System
Curriculum management
Inclusive education
Inclusive education
Social Management in the Education System
New standards and curricula in secondary school
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
Educational Technologies in Education
Pedagogy of higher education
Curriculum management
Curriculum management
Pedagogy of higher education
Examination of educational and methodological support of the educational process
Pedagogy of Higher education
Educational Technologies in Education
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
New standards and curricula in secondary school
Curriculum management
Curriculum management
Inclusive education
Curriculum management
Inclusive education
Examination of educational and methodological support of the educational process
Pedagogy of higher education
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
Inclusive education
Social Management in the Education System
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
New standards and curricula in secondary school
Pedagogy of higher education
Examination of educational and methodological support of the educational process
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
Inclusive education
Curriculum management
Pedagogy of higher education
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
Educational Technologies in Education
Examination of educational and methodological support of the educational process
Educational Technologies in Education
Curriculum management
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
Inclusive Education
Educational Technologies in Education
Curriculum management
Inclusive education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Educational Technologies in Education
Inclusive education
Pedagogy of higher education
Curriculum management
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of Higher education
New standards and curricula in secondary school
Examination of educational and methodological support of the educational process
Inclusive education
Social Management in the Education System
New standards and curricula in secondary school
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School
Social Management in the Education System
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of Higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Educational Technologies in Education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Curriculum management
Curriculum management
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Curriculum management
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Curriculum management
Educational Technologies in Education
Inclusive Education
Curriculum management
Educational Technologies in Education
Pedagogy of higher education
Curriculum management
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Educational Technologies in Education
Curriculum management
Educational Technologies in Education
Pedagogy of higher education
Educational Technologies in Education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Curriculum management
Curriculum management
Pedagogy of higher education
Educational Technologies in Education
Curriculum management
Curriculum management
Curriculum management
Educational Technologies in Education
Pedagogy of higher education
Educational Technologies in Education
Pedagogy of higher education
Curriculum management
Educational Technologies in Education
Inclusive Education
Educational Technologies in Education
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Educational Technologies in Education
Curriculum management
Educational Technologies in Education
Pedagogy of higher education
Educational Technologies in Education
Educational Technologies in Education
Educational Technologies in Education
Curriculum management
Pedagogy of higher education
Curriculum management
Pedagogy of higher education
Pedagogy of higher education
Curriculum management
Pedagogy of higher education
Curriculum management
Pedagogy of higher education
Curriculum management
Educational Technologies in Education
Pedagogy of higher education
Curriculum management
Educational Technologies in Education
Inclusive Education


Текесбаева Анар Молдакыновна Оқушылардың коммуникативтік құзіреттілігін қалыптастыруда мультимедиа технологиясын қолдану жолдары 2022 - г. 9 - стр. 73


Текесбаева Анар Молдакыновна Қосымша білім беру мекемелерінде әлеуметтік педагог жұмысының ерекшелігі 2022 - г. 6 - стр. 396
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