Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби |
Высшее |
2013 |
File name |
Headline |
Description |
Infocommunication support for the exploitation of space vehicles |
drzODE |
Infocommunication support for the exploitation of space vehicles |
0072265_ED415_kursovaya_rabota_celevaya_apparatura_kosmicheskogo_apparata |
Infocommunication support for the exploitation of space vehicles |
ООМ Карта учебной метод обесп_par |
Infocommunication support for the exploitation of space vehicles |
Силлабус_2016_инфоком. обеспечение косм.ср-в |
Infocommunication support for the exploitation of space vehicles |
1.RemoteSensing2014 - Kopie |
Infocommunication support for the exploitation of space vehicles |
2. 20140725_DLR_NavIono_VolkerWilken |
Infocommunication support for the exploitation of space vehicles |
3. TUBsat_Orientation |
Infocommunication support for the exploitation of space vehicles |
4. Elements |
Infocommunication support for the exploitation of space vehicles |
5. Lab_and_Launch_Envi |
Infocommunication support for the exploitation of space vehicles |
6. Fundamentals_of_Verification |
Infocommunication support for the exploitation of space vehicles |
КА |