Onalbek Abraliyev was born on the 28th of October, 1957 in Akermen, Merke district, Zhambyl province, Kazakhstan. Onalbek Abraliyev published 190 scientific works, and 28 of them were included in the publications which were recommended by the Committee for Control of Education and Science at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as 1monograph, 10 books (177,6 pages in total). Onalbek has constantly developed methodological teaching skills, perfectly has performed duties of teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students. Onalbek Abraliyev is actively involved with the scientific research besides the academic activity. He is an author of recommendations for developing the integration strategy of the agriculture (of the Republic of Kazakhstan) into the global agrarian market: «Generating economic mechanism to develop the agroindustrial production which provides food sovereignty of the country and increases the living standards of the rural population». Onalbek Abraliyev also supervises scientific works of academic degree candidates, takes part in scientific conferences and academic-methodological and scientific seminars, constantly improves his scientific and pedagogic qualifications. Onalbek Abraliyev is a highly qualified, initiative specialist with organisational skills and a professional teacher, has authority and respected by undergraduate and postgraduate students, and colleagues.
Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
Джамбульский гидромелиоративно-строительный институт |
Высшее |
1980 |
Name of the scientific degree |
Branch of science |
Graduation Date |
Доктор |
28/06/2007 |
Name of academic title |
Date of assignment |
Профессор |
01/01/2001 |