Оспанова Ш.С., Нурмуханова А.З.
«Guidance manual for the preparation of graduate students of universities to participate in complex testing the external evaluation of educational achievements (VOUD)»
Куйкабаева А.А., Нурмуханова А.З.
«Guidance manual for the preparation of graduate students of universities to participate in complex testing the external evaluation of educational achievements (VOUD)»
Куйкабаева А.А., Оспанова Ш.С.
«Guidance manual for the preparation of graduate students of universities to participate in complex testing the external evaluation of educational achievements (VOUD)»
Tursin Hafizuhli Gabitov. WESTERN, RUSSIAN AND ISLAMIC CULTURE IN WORLD CIVILIZATIONAL PERSPECTIVE. Civilization al culture // 21 st-Century Narratives of World History / Edited R.Charles Weller. – USA. Washington. Springer, 2017 – p. 265-290
ISBN 978-3-319-61077-0