Main / of Physics and Technology / Thermal physics and technical physics / Proceedings (theses, reports) in collections and materials of scientific conferences, symposia, seminars

Thermal physics and technical physics

List of publications

Year of publication:


Болегенова С. А. Максимов В.Ю., Болегенова С.А., Аскарова А.С., Нұғыманова А.О. The use of plasma activation of pulverized coal flow to reduce emissions of harmful substances during the combustion of high-ash coal at Kazakhstan's thermal power plants 2021 - г. 1 - стр.


Аскарова А. С. Максимов В.Ю., Болегенова С.А., Болегенова С.А., Нұғыманова А.О. The use of plasma activation of pulverized coal flow to reduce emissions of harmful substances during the combustion of high-ash coal at Kazakhstan's thermal power plants 2021 - г. 1 - стр.


Болегенова С. А. Максимов В.Ю., Болегенова С.А., Аскарова А.С., Нұғыманова А.О. The use of plasma activation of pulverized coal flow to reduce emissions of harmful substances during the combustion of high-ash coal at Kazakhstan's thermal power plants 2021 - г. 1 - стр.


Болегенова С. А. Максимов В.Ю., Болегенова С.А., Аскарова А.С., Нұғыманова А.О. The use of plasma activation of pulverized coal flow to reduce emissions of harmful substances during the combustion of high-ash coal at Kazakhstan's thermal power plants 2021 - г. 1 - стр.


Максимов В. Ю. Болегенова С.А., Болегенова С.А., Аскарова А.С., Нұғыманова А.О. The use of plasma activation of pulverized coal flow to reduce emissions of harmful substances during the combustion of high-ash coal at Kazakhstan's thermal power plants 2021 - г. 1 - стр.


Нұғыманова А. О. Максимов В.Ю., Болегенова С.А., Болегенова С.А., Аскарова А.С. The use of plasma activation of pulverized coal flow to reduce emissions of harmful substances during the combustion of high-ash coal at Kazakhstan's thermal power plants 2021 - г. 1 - стр.


Косов В. Н. Федоренко О.В. Многокомпонентное смешение на границе перехода «диффузия – конвекция» при повышенных давлениях 2021 - г. 1 - стр.


Федоренко О. В. Косов В.Н. Многокомпонентное смешение на границе перехода «диффузия – конвекция» при повышенных давлениях 2021 - г. 1 - стр.