Main / College / Science articles


List of publications.

Year of publication:


Жоламанов Б. Н. Output power analysis of low concentrated solar cells with fresnel lens optics Optik 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Каппарова А. А. Output power analysis of low concentrated solar cells with fresnel lens optics Optik 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Нұрғалиев М. К. Output power analysis of low concentrated solar cells with fresnel lens optics Optik 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Саймбетов А. К. Output power analysis of low concentrated solar cells with fresnel lens optics Optik 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Досымбетова Г. Б. MODELLING П-SHAPED CONCENTRATING OPTICS FOR LCPV SOLAR CELLS USING FRESNEL LENS Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Әлмен Д. Б. MODELLING П-SHAPED CONCENTRATING OPTICS FOR LCPV SOLAR CELLS USING FRESNEL LENS Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Каппарова А. А. MODELLING П-SHAPED CONCENTRATING OPTICS FOR LCPV SOLAR CELLS USING FRESNEL LENS Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Орынбасар С. О. MODELLING П-SHAPED CONCENTRATING OPTICS FOR LCPV SOLAR CELLS USING FRESNEL LENS Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Нұрғалиев М. К. MODELLING П-SHAPED CONCENTRATING OPTICS FOR LCPV SOLAR CELLS USING FRESNEL LENS Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Саймбетов А. К. MODELLING П-SHAPED CONCENTRATING OPTICS FOR LCPV SOLAR CELLS USING FRESNEL LENS Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Орынбасар С. О. Enhanced Reinforcement Learning Algorithm Based-Transmission Parameter Selection for Optimization of Energy Consumption and Packet Delivery Ratio in LoRa Wireless Networks Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Болатбек А. Б. Enhanced Reinforcement Learning Algorithm Based-Transmission Parameter Selection for Optimization of Energy Consumption and Packet Delivery Ratio in LoRa Wireless Networks Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Құттыбай Н. Б. Enhanced Reinforcement Learning Algorithm Based-Transmission Parameter Selection for Optimization of Energy Consumption and Packet Delivery Ratio in LoRa Wireless Networks Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Досымбетова Г. Б. Enhanced Reinforcement Learning Algorithm Based-Transmission Parameter Selection for Optimization of Energy Consumption and Packet Delivery Ratio in LoRa Wireless Networks Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Қошқарбай Н. Ж. Enhanced Reinforcement Learning Algorithm Based-Transmission Parameter Selection for Optimization of Energy Consumption and Packet Delivery Ratio in LoRa Wireless Networks Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Жоламанов Б. Н. Enhanced Reinforcement Learning Algorithm Based-Transmission Parameter Selection for Optimization of Energy Consumption and Packet Delivery Ratio in LoRa Wireless Networks Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Каппарова А. А. Enhanced Reinforcement Learning Algorithm Based-Transmission Parameter Selection for Optimization of Energy Consumption and Packet Delivery Ratio in LoRa Wireless Networks Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Саймбетов А. К. Enhanced Reinforcement Learning Algorithm Based-Transmission Parameter Selection for Optimization of Energy Consumption and Packet Delivery Ratio in LoRa Wireless Networks Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Нұрғалиев М. К. Enhanced Reinforcement Learning Algorithm Based-Transmission Parameter Selection for Optimization of Energy Consumption and Packet Delivery Ratio in LoRa Wireless Networks Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Карымхан А. А. Адаптация казахских текстов для изучающих язык: применение методов адаптации Вестник КазНУ серия филология 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Мамбетова М. К. Адаптация казахских текстов для изучающих язык: применение методов адаптации Вестник КазНУ серия филология 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Болатбек А. Б. Novel filtering and regeneration technique with statistical feature extraction and machine learning for automatic modulation classification Digital Signal Processing 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Құттыбай Н. Б. Novel filtering and regeneration technique with statistical feature extraction and machine learning for automatic modulation classification Digital Signal Processing 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Жоламанов Б. Н. Novel filtering and regeneration technique with statistical feature extraction and machine learning for automatic modulation classification Digital Signal Processing 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Орынбасар С. О. Novel filtering and regeneration technique with statistical feature extraction and machine learning for automatic modulation classification Digital Signal Processing 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Саймбетов А. К. Novel filtering and regeneration technique with statistical feature extraction and machine learning for automatic modulation classification Digital Signal Processing 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Нұрғалиев М. К. Novel filtering and regeneration technique with statistical feature extraction and machine learning for automatic modulation classification Digital Signal Processing 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Тургумбаева А. А. Изучение химического состава экстракта из поверхностной части растении клопогона вонючий (Cimicifuga foetida L) Современная фармация: новые подходы в образовании и актуальные исследования 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Болатбек А. Б. Assessment of solar tracking systems: A comprehensive review Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Досымбетова Г. Б. Assessment of solar tracking systems: A comprehensive review Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Қошқарбай Н. Ж. Assessment of solar tracking systems: A comprehensive review Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Жоламанов Б. Н. Assessment of solar tracking systems: A comprehensive review Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Каппарова А. А. Assessment of solar tracking systems: A comprehensive review Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Орынбасар С. О. Assessment of solar tracking systems: A comprehensive review Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Саймбетов А. К. Assessment of solar tracking systems: A comprehensive review Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Нұрғалиев М. К. Assessment of solar tracking systems: A comprehensive review Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Құттыбай Н. Б. Assessment of solar tracking systems: A comprehensive review Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Каппарова А. А. Adaptive control systems for dual axis tracker using clear sky index and output power forecasting based on ML in overcast weather conditions Energy and AI 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Орынбасар С. О. Adaptive control systems for dual axis tracker using clear sky index and output power forecasting based on ML in overcast weather conditions Energy and AI 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Болатбек А. Б. Adaptive control systems for dual axis tracker using clear sky index and output power forecasting based on ML in overcast weather conditions Energy and AI 0 - г. 0 - стр.