Investigation of Conditions
for the Creation of Hydrophobic Sand
Meruyert Nazhipkyzy, Gulmira Orinbekovna Tureshova,
and Zulkhair Aimukhametovich Mansurov
The jurisdiction of national courts in the implementation of prosecution of violations of international humanitarian law .Book Chapter. The challenge of change for the legal and political systems of Eurasia: The impact of the new silk road, Peter Lang, 2020, Page. 251–260
PETER LANG Bruxelles · Bern · Berlin · New York · Oxford · Wien
Коданова С.К., Еримбетова Л.Т., Исанова М.К., Машеева Р.У.
Mathematical problems and computer simulation in power engineering: methodical instructions for laboratory works
Коданова С.К., Еримбетова Л.Т., Нұрғалиева Қ.Е., Машеева Р.У.
Mathematical problems and computer simulation in power engineering: methodical instructions for laboratory works
Коданова С.К., Исанова М.К., Нұрғалиева Қ.Е., Машеева Р.У.
Mathematical problems and computer simulation in power engineering: methodical instructions for laboratory works
Еримбетова Л.Т., Исанова М.К., Нұрғалиева Қ.Е., Машеева Р.У.
Mathematical problems and computer simulation in power engineering: methodical instructions for laboratory works