Main / Geography and Environmental Sciences / Geography, land management and cadastre / Турганалиев Сакен Рахматуллаевич

Турганалиев Сакен Рахматуллаевич

Position Ст.пpеподаватель
Geography, land management and cadastre
       Saken Rakhmatullayevich Turganaliev was born on October 22, 1962 in the city of Kyzylorda in a family of teachers. In 1989 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Land Management Engineers with a degree in Land Management. From 1993 to 2002 he worked as a lecturer at Taraz State University, from 2002 to 2009 as a lecturer at the Kazakh National Agrarian University, from 2015 to 2018 as a senior researcher at the Kazakh Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, from 2018 to the present as a senior lecturer at the Department of Geography, Land Management and Cadastre of the Kazakh National University.
First higher education
Educational institution Квалификация Expiration date
Высшее 1989
Academic degree
File name Headline Description
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic and Mathematical Modeling Optimization of Territorial Organization
Land Management and Land Use Planning
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Economic and Mathematical Modeling Optimization of Territorial Organization
Land Management and Land Use Planning
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic and Mathematical Modeling Optimization of Territorial Organization
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Land Management and Land Use Planning
Land Management and Land Use Planning
Land Management and Land Use Planning
Land Management and Land Use Planning
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Land Management and Land Use Planning
Land Management and Land Use Planning
Land Management and Land Use Planning
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Land Management and Land Use Planning
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Economic and Mathematical Modeling Optimization of Territorial Organization
Economic and Mathematical Modeling Optimization of Territorial Organization
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Fundamentals of real estate cadastre
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Land Management and Land Use Planning
Scientific and methodological problems of the cadastre
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Cadastral valuation in the context of sustainable development of agriculture
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic and Mathematical Modeling Optimization of Territorial Organization
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Land Management and Land Use Planning
Land-Information Systems in Land Resources Management
Economic and Mathematical Modeling Optimization of Territorial Organization
Economic and Mathematical Modeling Optimization of Territorial Organization
Cadastral valuation in the context of sustainable development of agriculture
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Foreign methods for developing a territorial planning scheme
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Scientific and methodological problems of the cadastre
Economic and Mathematical Modeling Optimization of Territorial Organization
Economic and Mathematical Modeling Optimization of Territorial Organization
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic Mechanism of Rational Use and Protection of Lands Resources
Economic and Mathematical Modeling Optimization of Territorial Organization
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Regional Land use plenning in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Land-Information Systems in Land Resources Management
Economic and Mathematical Modeling Optimization of Territorial Organization
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Land Management and Land Use Planning
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Land-Information Systems in Land Resources Management
Economic and Mathematical Modeling Optimization of Territorial Organization
Economic-Mathematical Modeling in the Land Management and Cadastre
Land Management and Land Use Planning
Cadastre of Natural Resources
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Foreign methods for developing a territorial planning scheme
Land-Information Systems in Land Resources Management
Land Management and Land Use Planning
Fundamentals of real estate cadastre
Cadastre of Natural Resources
Economic and Mathematical Modeling optimization of territorial organization
Land Management and Land Use Planning
Land Management and Land Use Planning
Economic and Mathematical Modeling Optimization of Territorial Organization
Land Management and Land Use Planning
Economic-mathematical modeling in the Land use planning
Land Management and Land Use Planning
Fundamentals of real estate cadastre
Land Management and Land Use Planning
Economic and Mathematical Modeling Optimization of Territorial Organization
Management of Land Resources and Other Real Estate Objects
Economic and Mathematical Modeling Optimization of Territorial Organization


Турганалиев Сакен РахматуллаевичДуйсебаева К.Д. возможности применения возобновляемых источников энергии для эффективного использования пастбищ 2020 - г. 6 - стр. 137


Турганалиев Сакен Рахматуллаевич State and prospects of business tourism development in Almaty city 2020 - г. 6 - стр. 37


Турганалиев Сакен Рахматуллаевич 2020 - г. 6 - стр. 0


Author Documents



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