Main / Geography and Environmental Sciences / Geography, land management and cadastre / Рысмахан Гауһар Бақытжанқызы

Рысмахан Гауһар Бақытжанқызы

Position Преподаватель
Кафедра географии, землеустройства и кадастра
       Gaukhar Bakytzhanqyzy Rysmahan graduated from School-Lyceum No. 131 named after Bauyrzhan Momyshuly in Almaty in 2012. After completing school, she entered the Geography Faculty of al-Farabi KazNU specializing in "Cadastre." She studied on a state educational grant and graduated from the university in 2016. In 2017, she was enrolled in a master's degree program in "Land Management" and defended her master's thesis on "Space monitoring of desertification processes in the Ile-Balkhash region" under the supervision of Dr. Sc. G.N. Nyusupova. In 2021, she entered a doctoral program in "Land Management." Since 2016, she has been a GIS specialist at an IT company that is a leading developer of local executive bodies's geoportals in many regions of Kazakhstan.


Рысмахан Гауһар БақытжанқызыАйгаринова Г.Т., Бектурганова А.Е. ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫНДА ЖЕРДІ БАСҚАРУ ЖҮЙЕСІН ДАМЫТУ МӘСЕЛЕЛЕРІ МЕН МІНДЕТТЕРІ 2024 - г. 13 - стр. 101
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