Main / Biology and Biotechnology / Biotechnology / Сыдыкбекова Райхан Конаевна

Сыдыкбекова Райхан Конаевна

Position Ст.пpеподаватель
Кафедра биотехнологии
Scopus author ID: 57190047668
Is hidden
File name Headline Description
Biotechnology Increasing the Productivity of Agricultural Lands
Biotechnology Increasing the Productivity of Agricultural Lands
Biotechnology of Biomass Production and Processing
Production of Microbial Proteins
Biotechnology Increasing the Productivity of Agricultural Lands
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
Biotechnology Increasing the Productivity of Agricultural Lands
Laboratory Safety: Principles and Practices in Microbial Biotechnology
Basics of Laboratory Research in Microbial Biotechnology
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
Sanitary Microbiology
Ecology of Microorganisms
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
Biotechnology Increasing the Productivity of Agricultural Lands
Variety of microorganisms
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
Ecology of Microorganisms
Technology of Regeneration of Degradational Soil
Basics of Laboratory Research in Microbial Biotechnology
Sanitary Microbiology
Soil Microbiology
Production of Microbial Proteins
Biotechnology Increasing the Productivity of Agricultural Lands
Microorganisms of Fermentative Productions
Resource-saving Biotechnology in production
Physiology and Biochemistry of Microorganisms
Industrial Applied Microbiology
Identification of microorganisms
Laboratory Safety: Principles and Practices in Microbial Biotechnology
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
Sanitary Microbiology
Basics of Laboratory Research in Microbial Biotechnology
Yeast and Micromycel in Industrial Biotechnology
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
Production of Microbial Proteins
Principles of isolation and study of biotechnology objects practice experience
Principles of isolation and study of biotechnology objects practice experience
Methabolic Engeenering
Basics of Laboratory Research in Microbial Biotechnology
Microorganisms of Fermentative Productions
Laboratory Safety: Principles and Practices in Microbial Biotechnology
Yeast and Micromycel in Industrial Biotechnology
"Microorganisms Recognition and Its Cultivation" Practice Expeariens
Technology of Regeneration of Degradational Soil
Yeast and Micromycel in Industrial Biotechnology
Industrial Applied Microbiology
Resource-saving Biotechnology in production
Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
Technology of Regeneration of Degradational Soil
Industrial Applied Microbiology
Identification of microorganisms
Identification of microorganisms
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
Technology of Regeneration of Degradational Soil
Yeast and Micromycel in Industrial Biotechnology
Physiology and Biochemistry of Microorganisms
Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology
Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology
Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology
Industrial Biotechnology
"Microorganisms Recognition and Its Cultivation" Practice Expeariens
Food Biotechnology
Ecological Biotechnology
Ecological Biotechnology
Industrial Biotechnology
Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology
Industrial Biotechnology
Ecology Biotechnology
Food Biotechnology
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
Variety of microorganisms
Variety of microorganisms
Variety of microorganisms
Variety of microorganisms
Objects of Biotechnology
Basics of Laboratory Research in Microbial Biotechnology
Yeast and Micromycel in Industrial Biotechnology
Laboratory Safety: Principles and Practices in Microbial Biotechnology
Technology of Regeneration of Degradational Soil
Technology of Regeneration of Degradational Soil
Sanitary Microbiology
Basics of Laboratory Research in Microbial Biotechnology
Physiology and Biochemistry of Microorganisms
Industrial Applied Microbiology
Principles of isolation and study of biotechnology objects practice experience
Principles of isolation and study of biotechnology objects practice experience
Principles of isolation and study of biotechnology objects practice experience
Principles of isolation and study of biotechnology objects practice experience
Principles of isolation and study of biotechnology objects practice experience
Principles of isolation and study of biotechnology objects practice experience
Methabolic Engeenering
Basics of Laboratory Research in Microbial Biotechnology
Resource-saving Biotechnology in production
Resource-saving Biotechnology in production
Production of Microbial Proteins
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
"Microorganisms Recognition and Its Cultivation" Practice Expeariens
Biotechnology Increasing the Productivity of Agricultural Lands
Production of Microbial Proteins
Production of Microbial Proteins
Biotechnology Increasing the Productivity of Agricultural Lands
Resource-saving Biotechnology in production
Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Increasing Plant Productivity
Biotechnology of Biomass Production and Processing
Microorganisms of Fermentative Productions
"Microorganisms Recognition and Its Cultivation" Practice Expeariens
Technology of Regeneration of Degradational Soil
Methabolic Engeenering
Variety of microorganisms
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
Immunoprophylaxis and immunotherapy
Food Biotechnology
Methabolic Engeenering
Technology of Regeneration of Degradational Soil
Laboratory Safety: Principles and Practices in Microbial Biotechnology
"Microorganisms Recognition and Its Cultivation" Practice Expeariens
Objects of Biotechnology
Sanitary Microbiology
Physiology and Biochemistry of Microorganisms
Industrial Applied Microbiology
Microorganisms of Fermentative Productions
Basics of Laboratory Research in Microbial Biotechnology
Principles of isolation and study of biotechnology objects practice experience
Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
Basic of Biotechnology
Yeast and Micromycel in Industrial Biotechnology
Ecology Biotechnology
"Microorganisms Recognition and Its Cultivation" Practice Expeariens
Microorganisms and Viruses As Objects of Biotechnology
Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
Basics of Laboratory Research in Microbial Biotechnology
Physiology and Biochemistry of Microorganisms
Sanitary Microbiology
Industrial Applied Microbiology
Objects of Biotechnology
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
Basic of Biotechnology
Identification of microorganisms
Food Biotechnology
Laboratory Safety: Principles and Practices in Microbial Biotechnology
Technical Microbiology
Methabolic Engeenering
Laboratory Safety: Principles and Practices in Microbial Biotechnology
Identification of microorganisms
Basics of Laboratory Research in Microbial Biotechnology
Bioavailability, Biotransformationof Xenobiotics and Natural Polymers
"Microorganisms Recognition and Its Cultivation" Practice Expeariens
Industrial Biotechnology
Quality Evaluation and Safety of Nano-Food Product Industry
Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Increasing Plant Productivity
Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Increasing Plant Productivity
Biotechnology of Biomass Production and Processing
Biotechnology of Biomass Production and Processing
Ecology Biotechnology
Technology of Regeneration of Degradational Soil
Resource-saving Biotechnology in production
Production of Microbial Proteins
Ecology Biotechnology
Industrial Biotechnology
Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology
Biotechnology Increasing the Productivity of Agricultural Lands
Biotechnology Increasing the Productivity of Agricultural Lands
Basics of Laboratory Research in Microbial Biotechnology
Basic of Biotechnology
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
Technology of Regeneration of Degradational Soil
"Microorganisms Recognition and Its Cultivation" Practice Expeariens
Resource-saving Biotechnology in production
Resource-saving Biotechnology in production
Resource-saving Biotechnology in production
Biotechnology of Biomass Production and Processing
Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Increasing Plant Productivity
Biotechnology Increasing the Productivity of Agricultural Lands
Biotechnology Increasing the Productivity of Agricultural Lands
Production of Microbial Proteins
Resource-saving Biotechnology in production
Identification of microorganisms
Resource-saving Biotechnology in production
Resource-saving Biotechnology in production
Resource-saving Biotechnology in production
Resource-saving Biotechnology in production
Resource-saving Biotechnology in production
Resource-saving Biotechnology in production
Resource-saving Biotechnology in production
Basics of Laboratory Research in Microbial Biotechnology
Methabolic Engeenering
Principles of isolation and study of biotechnology objects practice experience
Physiology and Biochemistry of Microorganisms
"Microorganisms Recognition and Its Cultivation" Practice Expeariens
Yeast and Micromycel in Industrial Biotechnology
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
Production of Microbial Proteins
Resource-saving Biotechnology in production
Resource-saving Biotechnology in production
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
"Microorganisms Recognition and Its Cultivation" Practice Expeariens
Methabolic Engeenering
Methabolic Engeenering
Technology of Regeneration of Degradational Soil
Identification of microorganisms
Basics of Laboratory Research in Microbial Biotechnology
Ecology of Microorganisms
Laboratory Safety: Principles and Practices in Microbial Biotechnology
Identification of microorganisms
Laboratory Safety: Principles and Practices in Microbial Biotechnology
Ecology of Microorganisms
Methabolic Engeenering
Bioavailability, Biotransformationof Xenobiotics and Natural Polymers
Ecology of Microorganisms
Industrial Biotechnology
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Microbial Control of Biotechnology Production
Ecology of Microorganisms
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
Yeast and Micromycel in Industrial Biotechnology
последний силлабус
Technology of Regeneration of Degradational Soil
Variety of microorganisms
Basic of Biotechnology
Principles of isolation and study of biotechnology objects practice experience
Principles of isolation and study of biotechnology objects practice experience
Variety of microorganisms
Objects of Biotechnology
Ecology of Microorganisms
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
Basics of Laboratory Research in Microbial Biotechnology
Basics of Laboratory Research in Microbial Biotechnology
Identification of microorganisms
Basics of Laboratory Research in Microbial Biotechnology
Sanitary Microbiology
Industrial Applied Microbiology
Sanitary Microbiology
Physiology and Biochemistry of Microorganisms
Basics of Laboratory Research in Microbial Biotechnology
Principles of Processing Raw Materials of Plant,animal,microbial
Food Biotechnology
Methabolic Engeenering
Basics of Laboratory Research in Microbial Biotechnology
Basics of Laboratory Research in Microbial Biotechnology
"Microorganisms Recognition and Its Cultivation" Practice Expeariens
Laboratory Safety: Principles and Practices in Microbial Biotechnology
Microorganisms of Fermentative Productions
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
Resource-saving Biotechnology in production
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
Isolation and cultivation of microorganisms
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Production of Microbial Proteins
Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology
Microorganisms of Fermentative Productions
Resource-saving Biotechnology in production
"Microorganisms Recognition and Its Cultivation" Practice Expeariens
Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Increasing Plant Productivity
Molecular mechanisms of viral diseases
Immunoprophylaxis and immunotherapy
Immunoprophylaxis and immunotherapy
Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Increasing Plant Productivity
Molecular mechanisms of viral diseases
Molecular mechanisms of viral diseases
Molecular mechanisms of viral diseases
Molecular mechanisms of viral diseases
Molecular mechanisms of viral diseases
Immunoprophylaxis and immunotherapy
Immunoprophylaxis and immunotherapy
Molecular mechanisms of viral diseases


Сыдыкбекова Райхан Конаевна Бержанова Р.Ж., Шимшиков Б.Е., Игнатова Л.В., Мукашева Т.Д. Микробное разнообразие почв равнинной территории Казахстана Қазақ университеті 2013 - г. 162 - стр.


Сыдыкбекова Райхан Конаевна Бержанова Р.Ж., Савицкая И.С., Игнатова Л.В., Мукашева Т.Д. Микроорганизмдер физиологиясы негіздері " Қазақ университеті " 2013 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-0193-8 71 - стр.


Сыдыкбекова Райхан Конаевна Бержанова Р.Ж., Савицкая И.С., Игнатова Л.В., Мукашева Т.Д. Основы физиологии микроорганизмов " Қазақ университеті " 2013 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-0033-7 71 - стр.


Сыдыкбекова Райхан Конаевна Бержанова Р.Ж., Игнатова Л.В., Мукашева Т.Д., Кистаубаева А.С. М.Х. Шығаева. Библиографиялық көрсеткіш " Қазақ университеті " 2017 - г. 135 - стр.


Сыдыкбекова Райхан Конаевна Бержанова Р.Ж., Игнатова Л.В., Мукашева Т.Д., Бектилеуова Н.К. Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции «Актуальные проблемы биотехнологии, экологии и физико-химической биологии». ІV Международные Фарабиевские чтения " Қазақ университеті " 2017 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-2198 147 - стр.


Сыдыкбекова Райхан Конаевна Бержанова Р.Ж., Игнатова Л.В., Мукашева Т.Д., Бектилеуова Н.К. Тағамдық биотехнологиядан әдістемелік нұсқаулар " Қазақ университеті " 2018 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-3151-5 88 - стр.


Сыдыкбекова Райхан Конаевна Бержанова Р.Ж., Мукашева Т.Д., Бектилеуова Н.К. " Қазақ университеті " 2017 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-3045-7 132 - стр.


Сыдыкбекова Райхан КонаевнаШигаева М.Х., Бержанова Р.Ж., Мукашева Т.Д., Игнатова Л.В. Endophytic bacteria of Trans-Ili Alatau plants – promising components of microbial product for agricultural use 2015 - г. 1 - стр. 0


Сыдыкбекова Райхан КонаевнаБектилеуова Н.К., Шигаева М.Х., Игнатова Л.В., Мукашева Т.Д., Бержанова Р.Ж. The influence of destructive microorganisms on tolerance of plants to hydrocarbon contamination of ground soil 2015 - г. 1 - стр. 0


Сыдыкбекова Райхан КонаевнаШигаева М.Х., Бержанова Р.Ж., Мукашева Т.Д., Бектилеуова Н.К., Омирбекова А.А., Игнатова Л.В. 2016 - г. 2 - стр. 0


Сыдыкбекова Райхан КонаевнаОмирбекова А.А., Калугин С.Н., Игнатова Л.В., Бержанова Р.Ж., Мукашева Т.Д., Бектилеуова Н.К. 2015 - г. 7 - стр. 312


Сыдыкбекова Райхан КонаевнаШигаева М.Х., Бержанова Р.Ж., Мукашева Т.Д., Омирбекова А.А., Игнатова Л.В. Bacterial endophytes of Trans-Ili Alatau region’s plants as promising components of a microbial preparation for agricultural use * 2016 - г. 8 - стр. 63


Сыдыкбекова Райхан Конаевна Казахстанның кейбір топырақтарында актинобактериялардың таралуы және олардың экологиялық ролі 2017 - г. 13 - стр. 51


Сыдыкбекова Райхан КонаевнаБержанова Р.Ж., Игнатова Л.В., Мукашева Т.Д., Бектилеуова Н.К., Омирбекова А.А. 2017 - г. 12 - стр. 51


Сыдыкбекова Райхан КонаевнаУлтанбекова Г.Д. Түркістан облысының суармалы тұздалған топырағы жағдайында жүгерінің өсуі мен дамуына BACILLUS SP. ПК-1 галофильды микроағзалардың әсері 2020 - г. 10 - стр. 62




Сыдыкбекова Райхан Конаевна Распространение актиномицетов рода Streptomyces и Actinomadura в почвах различных типов Казахстана 2012 - г. 2 - стр. Алматы


Сыдыкбекова Райхан Конаевна Оценка динамики разнообразия микромицетов в почвах Казахстана с помощью сукцессионного анализа 2012 - г. 2 - стр. Алматы


Сыдыкбекова Райхан Конаевна Изучение ростстимулирующей и антагонистической активности микроорганизмов, выделенных из темно-каштановых почв алматинской области 2012 - г. 2 - стр. Алматы


Сыдыкбекова Райхан Конаевна Бержанова Р.Ж., Омирбекова А.А., Игнатова Л.В., Мукашева Т.Д. The influence of destructive microorganisms on tolerance of plants to hydrocarbon contamination of ground soil 2015 - г. 1 - стр. Греция


Сыдыкбекова Райхан Конаевна Шигаева М.Х., Игнатова Л.В., Бержанова Р.Ж., Мукашева Т.Д. Endophytic bacteria of Trans-Ili Alatau plants – promising components of microbial product for agricultural use 2015 - г. 1 - стр. Греция


Сыдыкбекова Райхан Конаевна Шигаева М.Х., Бержанова Р.Ж., Мукашева Т.Д., Бектилеуова Н.К., Игнатова Л.В. Эндофитные микроорганизмы сельскохозяйственных растений как перспективная основа экологически безопасных препаратов для растениеводства 2016 - г. 4 - стр. Алматы


Сыдыкбекова Райхан Конаевна Бержанова Р.Ж., Мукашева Т.Д., Бектилеуова Н.К., Игнатова Л.В. РАСПРОСТРАНЕНИЕ АКТИНОБАКТЕРИЙ В НЕКОТОРЫХ ПОЧВАХ КАЗАХСТАНА И ИХ ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ФУНКЦИИ 2017 - г. 2 - стр. Алматы, Казахстан


Сыдыкбекова Райхан Конаевна Мукашева Т.Д., Бектилеуова Н.К., Игнатова Л.В., Бержанова Р.Ж. ӨСІМДІКТЕРДІҢ АУРУҒА ҚАРСЫ ТҰРУ ҚАБІЛЕТІНІҢ ЖОҒАРЫЛАУЫНА БАКТЕРИЯ МЕТАБОЛИТТЕРІНІҢ ƏСЕРІН ЗЕРТТЕУ 2017 - г. 2 - стр. Алматы, Казахстан


Сыдыкбекова Райхан Конаевна Бержанова Р.Ж., Мукашева Т.Д., Бектилеуова Н.К., Игнатова Л.В. ПОДБОР УСЛОВИЙ КУЛЬТИВИРОВАНИЯ МИКРОМИЦЕТОВ-ПРОДУЦЕНТОВ БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИ АКТИВНЫХ ВЕЩЕСТВ (БАВ) 2017 - г. 1 - стр. Алматы, Казахстан


Сыдыкбекова Райхан Конаевна Бержанова Р.Ж., Мукашева Т.Д., Бектилеуова Н.К., Игнатова Л.В. 2017 - г. 1 - стр. КазНУ


Сыдыкбекова Райхан Конаевна Мукашева Т.Д. Сүт өнімдерін өндіру кезіндегі микробиологиялық көрсеткіштерді салыстырмалы түрде бағалау 2017 - г. 2 - стр. Алматы
Author Documents



8 по 8



Bacterial endophytes of Trans-Ili Alatau region's plants as promising components of a microbial preparation for agricultural use

Mukasheva, T., Berzhanova, R., Ignatova, L., Omirbekova, A., Brazhnikova, Y., Sydykbekova, R., Shigaeva, M.


Acta Biochimica Polonica
63, с. 321-328

