Jubatova Bayan Nursultanovna (was born on September 28, 1961, place of birth: Kyzylorda region, Kazaly district) - orientalist, linguist, graduated from the Arabic department of the Philology faculty of the Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov (1985). After graduating from the university, she began her career as a researcher at the Central Museum of Kazakhstan (1985-1989). From 1990 to the present, she has been working at the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi. In 1995, she undertook an internship on advanced training in Arabic language and literature at the Mawlai Ismail university in the Kingdom of Morocco, and in 2004, 2008 at the Cairo universities of the Arab Republic of Egypt. Since 1990, she has worked at the Kazakh National University named after al- Farabi as an assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, deputy dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, Head of the Department of Arabic Studies and Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies. Scientific work experience - 30 years. In 2002 she defended her thesis on the topic 'Arabic, Persian words in Kazakh qissa-dastans' (supervisor prof. R. Syzdykova), and in 2010 she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic 'Arabic, Persian borrowed phraseological units in the Kazakh language' (scientific consultant- academician R. Syzdykova). Currently, she is an assistant professor of the Department of the Middle East and South Asia, speaks Kazakh, Russian, Arabic and English, deals with the problems of borrowing, cultural and linguistic ties with the Arab East, the study of medieval Arab-Turkic manuscripts in Egypt, author of 4 monographs, 80 scientific articles; specialist in the field of linguistics, cultural and linguistic relations, supervised the scientific project "The Turkic world and the East: cultural and linguistic relations (diachronic aspect)" (2012- 2014, grant funding from the MES of the RK); participated in the project of the Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursynuly "Explanatory Dictionary of the Kazakh Literary Language" (1997-1998, project of the MES of the RK), at the moment she is the scientific supervisor of the project "Turkic layer of Egyptian culture" (2018-2020, grant from the Committee of Science of the MES of the RK); she has prepared four PhD students. In 2012 she received the title of "The best teacher of the university", was awarded the medal of the MES of the RK "Honorary Worker in the field of Education".


Educational institution


Expiration date

КазНУ им. аль-Фараби

Academic degree

Name of the scientific degree
Branch of science
Graduation Date

Academic rank

Name of academic title
Date of assignment
State Prizes
Prize Name Date of award
Государственный грант "Лучший преподаватель 2012г." 09/01/2013
Знак "Почетный работник образования Республики Казахстан"


Джубатова Баян Нурсултановна

Мустафаева А.А. 2012 - г. 4 - стр. 0

Джубатова Баян Нурсултановна

Мустафаева А.А., Надирова Г.Е. 2012 - г. 4 - стр. 0

Джубатова Баян Нурсултановна

2013 - г. 5 - стр. 1

Джубатова Баян Нурсултановна

Араб, парсы кірме фразеологизмдері этимондарының түпнұсқа тілдегі мәртебесі 2013 - г. 5 - стр. 0

Джубатова Баян Нурсултановна

2012 - г. 3 - стр. 0

Джубатова Баян Нурсултановна

Ли Б.Д. Білім, ғылым және бизнестің интеграциясы елдің білімге не- гізделген экономикасын қалыптастыруы (Корея Республикасының университеттеріне негізделген) 2015 - г. 6 - стр. 74

Джубатова Баян Нурсултановна

Жиекбаева А.Б., Мустафаева А.А. Written manuscripts in ancient Kipchak language of 13-15th centuries and their research problems in Kazakhstan 2015 - г. 7 - стр. 5

Джубатова Баян Нурсултановна

Жиекбаева А.Б., Жумажанова Ф.Т., Мустафаева А.А. Turkic-Arabic Cultural and Linguistic Relations 2016 - г. 10 - стр. 0

Джубатова Баян Нурсултановна

Абаған А.Б. Корей және Қазақ тілдеріндегі фразеологизмдердің ұлттық ерекшеліктері 2013 - г. 5 - стр. 0

Джубатова Баян Нурсултановна

Дешті қыпшақ мәдениетінің Араб Шығысындағы көрінісі//ҚазҰУ хабаршысы. Шығыстану сериясы№3 (86) 2018 - г. 5 - стр. 86

Джубатова Баян Нурсултановна

Надирова Г.Е. Status of the Kypchak Language In Mamluk Egypt: Language - Barrier Or Language -Contact?” 2018 - г. 5 - стр. 3

Джубатова Баян Нурсултановна

Надирова Г.Е. Turkic Ethnic Realities in The Medieval Manuscript of Kipchak Origin 2018 - г. 7 - стр. 12

Джубатова Баян Нурсултановна

. Фразеологизмдердегі ұлттық мәдениеттің бейнеленуі (қазақ және корей тілінің материалдары негізінде) // әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ хабаршысы. 2017 - г. 7 - стр. 4

Джубатова Баян Нурсултановна

2021 - г. 7 - стр. 104