Main / Journalism / UNESCO for Journalism and Communication / Аширбаев Бегжан Туребекович

Аширбаев Бегжан Туребекович

Position Ст.пpеподаватель
Кафедра ЮНЕСКО, международной журналистики и медиа в обществе
First higher education
Educational institution Квалификация Expiration date
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби Высшее 1996
File name Headline Description
Computering and Telecommnicational in PR
Computering and Telecommnicational in PR
Computering and Telecommnicational in PR
Computering and Telecommnicational in PR
Computering and Telecommnicational in PR
Inner PR
Creating A Brand and Corporate Identity
Ethics of PR
Ethics of PR
Organization of PR-projects
Organization of PR-projects
Organization of PR-projects
Management and marketing of modern communications
Ethics of PR
Ethics of PR
Ethics of PR
Ethics of PR
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
The Experience of the Kazakh PR-agencies
The Experience of the Kazakh PR-agencies
The Experience of the Kazakh PR-agencies
The Experience of the Kazakh PR-agencies
The Experience of the Kazakh PR-agencies
The Experience of the Kazakh PR-agencies
The Experience of the Kazakh PR-agencies
The Experience of the Kazakh PR-agencies
Internal PR
Internal PR
Media Relations
Media Relations
Network PR and SMM
Network PR and SMM
Inner PR
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
Research workshop
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
Modern mens of mass communication and PR
Principles of Business Communication
The Experience of the Kazakh PR-agencies
Research workshop
Internal PR
Management and marketing of modern communications
Media Relations
Media Relations
Management and marketing of modern communications
Genres of foreign journalism
Inner PR
Technology PR
Genres of foreign journalism
Ethics of PR
Ethics of PR
Genres of foreign journalism
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
PR in Public Authorities
Genres of foreign journalism
Inner PR
Network PR and SMM
Creating A Brand and Corporate Identity
History of Kazakh Journalism
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
Organization of PR-projects
Computering and Telecommnicational in PR
Computering and Telecommnicational in PR
Computering and Telecommnicational in PR
Organization of PR-projects
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
Ethics of PR
PR-support on execution of «Ruhani Zhangyru» concept
The Experience of the Kazakh PR-agencies
Media Relations
Internal PR
Internal PR
Principles of Business Communication
Creating A Brand and Corporate Identity
Management and marketing of modern communications
Introduction in Public Relations (PR)
Genres of foreign journalism
Introduction in Public Relations (PR)
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
Anti-crisis PR
The Experience of the Kazakh PR-agencies
Media Relations
Network PR and SMM
Internal PR
PR-support on execution of «Ruhani Zhangyru» concept
PR-support on execution of «Ruhani Zhangyru» concept
Ethics of PR
Ethics of PR
Inner PR
Research workshop
Genres of foreign journalism
Modern mens of mass communication and PR
Network PR and SMM
Computering and Telecommnicational in PR
Computering and Telecommnicational in PR
International Law and Mass Media Legislation of Foreign Countries
Organization of PR-projects
Consulting in PR
Ethics of PR
Media Relations
The Experience of the Kazakh PR-agencies
Internal PR
Ethics of PR
PR-support on execution of «Ruhani Zhangyru» concept
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
Inner PR
Introduction in Public Relations (PR)
Introduction in Public Relations (PR)
Introduction in Public Relations (PR)
Introduction in Public Relations (PR)
Introduction in Public Relations (PR)
Basics of International Relations
Genres of foreign journalism
Network PR and SMM
Principles of Business Communication
Network PR and SMM
Basics of International Relations
Network PR and SMM
History of Kazakh Journalism
History of Kazakh Journalism
History of Kazakh Journalism
The Experience of the Kazakh PR-agencies
Global Media Brands
Network PR and SMM
Creating A Brand and Corporate Identity
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
Media Relations
Media Relations
Media Relations
Internal PR
Media Relations
Media Relations
Media Relations
Media Relations
Media Relations
Media Relations
Media Relations
Management and marketing of modern communications
Management and marketing of modern communications
Inner PR
Inner PR
Genres of foreign journalism
Consulting in PR
PR-support on execution of «Ruhani Zhangyru» concept
Genres of foreign journalism
Organization of PR-projects
Global Media Brands
Global Media Brands
Management and marketing of modern communications
Management and marketing of modern communications
Inner PR
Genres of foreign journalism
Computering and Telecommnicational in PR
Computering and Telecommnicational in PR
Computering and Telecommnicational in PR
Computering and Telecommnicational in PR
Computering and Telecommnicational in PR
Computering and Telecommnicational in PR
Computering and Telecommnicational in PR
Situation analysis in PR
Organization of PR-projects
Ethics of PR
Network PR and SMM
Ethics of PR
Organization of PR-projects
Ethics of PR
Computering and Telecommnicational in PR
Computering and Telecommnicational in PR
Consulting in PR
Global Media Brands
Media Relations
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
Computering and Telecommnicational in PR
PR-support on execution of «Ruhani Zhangyru» concept
Internal PR
International Humanitarian Law and Media
The Experience of the Kazakh PR-agencies
Media Relations
Anti-crisis PR
Introduction in Public Relations (PR)
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
Modern mens of mass communication and PR
Modern mens of mass communication and PR
Introduction in Public Relations (PR)
Principles of Business Communication
Coverage of the Election Process in Foreign Media
Internal PR
The Experience of the Kazakh PR-agencies
Network PR and SMM
Network PR and SMM
Management and marketing of modern communications
Consulting in PR
Global Media Brands
Principles of Business Communication
Global Media Brands
Consulting in PR
PR-support on execution of «Ruhani Zhangyru» concept
Inner PR
Situation analysis in PR
History of Kazakh Journalism
Ethics of PR
Network PR and SMM
Inner PR
Organization of PR-projects
Genres of foreign journalism
Ethics of PR
Modern mens of mass communication and PR
Management and marketing of modern communications
Inner PR
PR in Public Authorities
Genres of foreign journalism
Network PR and SMM
Technology PR
Coverage of the Election Process in Foreign Media
Research workshop
Management and marketing of modern communications
Coverage of the Election Process in Foreign Media
Research workshop
PR-support on execution of «Ruhani Zhangyru» concept
Computering and Telecommnicational in PR
Public Opinion
Genres of foreign journalism
Inner PR
Research workshop
Principles of Business Communication
Technology PR
Global Media Brands
Research workshop
Research workshop
International Law and Mass Media Legislation of Foreign Countries
Management and marketing of modern communications
Consulting in PR
Network PR and SMM
History of Kazakh Journalism
Research workshop
Management and marketing of modern communications
Basics of International Relations
Research workshop
International Humanitarian Law and Media
Basics of International Relations
Anti-crisis PR
The system of political communication
Genres of foreign journalism
Inner PR
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Inner PR
The system of political communication
PR in Public Authorities
History of Kazakh Journalism
Principles of Business Communication
Research workshop
Basics of International Relations
Global Media Brands
Public Opinion
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Genres of foreign journalism
Inner PR
PR in Public Authorities
Technology PR
Management and marketing of modern communications
International Law and Mass Media Legislation of Foreign Countries
Public Opinion
Genres of foreign journalism
Coverage of the Election Process in Foreign Media
Creating A Brand and Corporate Identity
Public Opinion
Situation analysis in PR
Situation analysis in PR
Creating A Brand and Corporate Identity
Coverage of the Election Process in Foreign Media
The system of political communication
Creating A Brand and Corporate Identity
Network PR and SMM
Network PR and SMM
Network PR and SMM
Inner PR
Global Media Brands
Technology PR
Technology PR
Principles of Business Communication
International Humanitarian Law and Media
International Law and Mass Media Legislation of Foreign Countries
Genres of foreign journalism
History of Kazakh Journalism
International Humanitarian Law and Media
The system of political communication
The system of political communication
International Humanitarian Law and Media
Genres of foreign journalism
Inner PR
International Humanitarian Law and Media
The system of political communication
Management and marketing of modern communications
Management and marketing of modern communications
Management and marketing of modern communications
Management and marketing of modern communications
Management and marketing of modern communications
Management and marketing of modern communications
Management and marketing of modern communications
Management and marketing of modern communications
Management and marketing of modern communications
Management and marketing of modern communications
Network PR and SMM
Inner PR
History of Kazakh Journalism
Research workshop
Modern mens of mass communication and PR
Modern mens of mass communication and PR
International Humanitarian Law and Media
The system of political communication
PR in Public Authorities
History of Kazakh Journalism
International Humanitarian Law and Media
History of Kazakh Journalism
Creating A Brand and Corporate Identity
International Humanitarian Law and Media
History of Kazakh Journalism
International Humanitarian Law and Media
International Humanitarian Law and Media
The system of political communication
Inner PR
Modern mens of mass communication and PR
Modern mens of mass communication and PR
History of Kazakh Journalism
Global Media Brands
History of Kazakh Journalism
History of Kazakh Journalism
History of Kazakh Journalism
History of Kazakh Journalism
Network PR and SMM
History of Kazakh Journalism
International Humanitarian Law and Media
Genres of foreign journalism
International Humanitarian Law and Media
The system of political communication
Anti-crisis PR
Modern mens of mass communication and PR
Network PR and SMM
Inner PR
International Humanitarian Law and Media
The system of political communication
Genres of foreign journalism
Network PR and SMM
The system of political communication
History of Kazakh Journalism
Principles of Business Communication
Research workshop
Inner PR
History of Kazakh Journalism
PR in Public Authorities
Network PR and SMM
Principles of Business Communication
History of Kazakh Journalism
History of Kazakh Journalism
Anti-crisis PR
International Humanitarian Law and Media
Basics of International Relations
Introduction in Public Relations (PR)
The system of political communication
Genres of foreign journalism
Modern mens of mass communication and PR
Global Media Brands
Management and marketing of modern communications
Coverage of the Election Process in Foreign Media
Technology PR
Creating A Brand and Corporate Identity
Situation analysis in PR
Public Opinion
Public Opinion
Situation analysis in PR
Creating A Brand and Corporate Identity
Genres of foreign journalism
History of Kazakh Journalism
Global Media Brands
Inner PR
Coverage of the Election Process in Foreign Media
International Law and Mass Media Legislation of Foreign Countries
Technology PR
Management and marketing of modern communications
Management and marketing of modern communications
Coverage of the Election Process in Foreign Media
Network PR and SMM
PR in Public Authorities
PR in Public Authorities
Research workshop
Research workshop
History of Kazakh Journalism
The system of political communication
Basics of International Relations
International Humanitarian Law and Media
Research workshop
Principles of Business Communication
Genres of foreign journalism
Research workshop
The system of political communication
History of Kazakh Journalism
The system of political communication
International Law and Mass Media Legislation of Foreign Countries
Coverage of the Election Process in Foreign Media
Inner PR
Anti-crisis PR
International Humanitarian Law and Media
Basics of International Relations
History of Kazakh Journalism
PR in Public Authorities
Network PR and SMM
Research workshop
Technology PR
Global Media Brands
Situation analysis in PR
Modern mens of mass communication and PR
Technologies of PR
Public Opinion
Inner PR
Public Opinion
Situation analysis in PR
International Law and Mass Media Legislation of Foreign Countries
History of Kazakh Journalism
Modern mens of mass communication and PR
Inner PR
Consulting in PR
Genres of foreign journalism
Management and marketing of modern communications
Genres of foreign journalism
Inner PR
Organization of PR-projects
Coverage of the Election Process in Foreign Media
Management and marketing of modern communications
Global Media Brands
Research workshop
Management and marketing of modern communications
PR-support on execution of «Ruhani Zhangyru» concept
History of Kazakh Journalism
The system of political communication
Coverage of the Election Process in Foreign Media
Network PR and SMM
PR-support on execution of «Ruhani Zhangyru» concept
Network PR and SMM
International Humanitarian Law and Media
History of Kazakh Journalism
Research workshop
The system of political communication
Inner PR
Modern mens of mass communication and PR
International Humanitarian Law and Media
Creating A Brand and Corporate Identity
International Humanitarian Law and Media
History of Kazakh Journalism
Basics of International Relations
Research workshop
Anti-crisis PR
History of Kazakh Journalism
Management and marketing of modern communications
Coverage of the Election Process in Foreign Media
Introduction in Public Relations (PR)
Introduction in Public Relations (PR)
Network PR and SMM
Management and marketing of modern communications
PR-support on execution of «Ruhani Zhangyru» concept
PR-support on execution of «Ruhani Zhangyru» concept
Inner PR
Creating A Brand and Corporate Identity
The system of political communication
Modern mens of mass communication and PR
History of Kazakh Journalism
History of Kazakh Journalism
Principles of Business Communication
International Humanitarian Law and Media
Principles of Business Communication
Principles of Business Communication
Anti-crisis PR
Basics of International Relations
Basics of International Relations
International Law and Mass Media Legislation of Foreign Countries
The system of political communication
Network PR and SMM
Genres of foreign journalism
Inner PR
Network PR and SMM
Global Media Brands
Technology PR
Modern mens of mass communication and PR
Global Media Brands
PR-support on execution of «Ruhani Zhangyru» concept
Introduction in Public Relations (PR)
Genres of foreign journalism
PR in Public Authorities
PR in Public Authorities
Consulting in PR
Research workshop
Coverage of the Election Process in Foreign Media
Public Opinion
Situation analysis in PR
Public Opinion
Creating A Brand and Corporate Identity


Аширбаев Бегжан Туребекович ОҚУ ҮРДІСІНДЕГІ ДУАЛДЫ БІЛІМ БЕРУ ЖҮЙЕСІ 2017 - г. 2 - стр. 1


Аширбаев Бегжан Туребекович Ақпараттың еркін ағымы және әлеуметтік жауапкершілік 2020 - г. 3 - стр. 0


Аширбаев Бегжан Туребекович Журналистика және ақпараттық қауіпсіздік мәселелері 2020 - г. 5 - стр. 0


Аширбаев Бегжан Туребекович Журналист құқығы - демократиялық қоғамның басты қағидасы 2020 - г. 5 - стр. 1


Аширбаев Бегжан Туребекович Ясауи университетінің хабаршысы 2020 - г. 10 - стр. 2


Аширбаев Бегжан Туребекович Журналистиканың қоғамдық-саяси қызметі хақында 2020 - г. 10 - стр. 2


Аширбаев Бегжан ТуребековичДүйсенбі А.К., Шегебаев А.С., Куантаев Н.К., Төлепберген Б.К. 2024 - г. 8 - стр. 0


Аширбаев Бегжан Туребекович Media culture and its impact on society 2017 - г. 3 - стр. әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ


Аширбаев Бегжан Туребекович Алаш баспасөзіндегі сөз бостандығының көрінісі 2019 - г. 7 - стр. КазНУ им.аль-Фараби


Аширбаев Бегжан Туребекович Азаматтық журналистика және сөз бостандығы 2019 - г. 6 - стр. КазНУ им. аль-Фараби


Аширбаев Бегжан Туребекович Демократиялық қоғамда журналист мәртебесін құқықтық тұрғыдан айқындаудың ерекшеліктері (отандық тәжірибе) 2019 - г. 4 - стр. әл-Фараби ат. ҚазҰУ
Author Documents



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