Main / Geography and Environmental Sciences / Cartography and geoinformatics / Абубакирова Калкаш Дауренбековна

Абубакирова Калкаш Дауренбековна

Position Профессоp
Кафедра географии, землеустройства и кадастра
Scopus author ID: 6507714266
       Autobiography I am Abubakirova K.D., was born in 1955, Kazakh, married, two children. Educa tion: higher technical, candidate of technical sciences, doctor of agricultural sciences,professor, academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (APS) of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 1972 I graduated from the secondary school in Dzhambul (Taraz) with a gold medal. In 1972 I entered and in 1977 graduated with honors from the Dzhambul Technological Institute. In 1983, I successfully defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences at A.N. Kosygin MTI (diploma TN No. 065775, decision of the Presidium of the USSR Higher Attestation Commission dated October 12, 1983). In 1990, I was awarded the academic title of associate professor (certificate of DC No. 021451, decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR of April 17, 1990) In 1998 – successfully defended a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Agriculture. sciences (diploma No. 0002059, by the decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 7, 1999) In 2001 - by the decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan, I was awarded the academic title of professor (certificate No. 0002188, protocol No. 4 dated April 26, 2001). In 2010 – by the decision of the Presidium of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, I was awarded the title of academician of the APS RK. In 2010 was awarded the title of "Best Teacher" of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Qualification, professional experience Qualified specialist with a Ph.D. degree on the development of resource-saving technologies in order to improve the environmental situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan (work experience - 51 years). Extensive experience in teaching, research and leadership work at the university: she went from assistant to the department to vice-rector of the university (scientific and pedagogical experience - 46 years). 2001 - member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2004 -2007, until its reorganization - a member of the Dissertation Council K146302 at the Almaty Technological University. Since 2008 to 2009 - member of the dissertation council of the OD. 01/55/01 at the Fashion Business Academy "Symbat". Since 2008 to 2012 - Professor of the Department o
File name Headline Description
Economic Basics of Nature Use
Economics of Nature Management
Certification of Raw Materials, Production Processes and Products According To International Ecological Standards
System Approach To the Environmental Policy of the Companies and the Enterprises
Harmanization of Legislation and Water Quality Standarts for IWRM in CA and RK
System Approach To the Environmental Policy of the Companies and the Enterprises
Methods of Teaching Ecology
System Approach To the Environmental Policy of the Companies and the Enterprises
Economic Basics of Nature Use
Economic Basics of Nature Use
Ecological and Economic Basics of Nature Management
System Approach To the Environmental Policy of the Companies and the Enterprises
System Approach To the Environmental Policy of the Companies and the Enterprises
Economic Basics of Nature Use
System Approach To the Environmental Policy of the Companies and the Enterprises
Economic Basics of Nature Use
International Organizations and the Policy of Sustainable Development
Economic Basics of Nature Use
Ecological and Economic Basics of Nature Management
Certification of Raw Materials, Production Processes and Products According To International Ecological Standards
Certification of Raw Materials, Production Processes and Products According To International Ecological Standards
Economic Basics of Nature Use (in English)
Economic Basics of Nature Use (in English)
Ecological and Economic Basics of Nature Management
Ecological and Economic Basics of Nature Management
Ecological Geochemistry
Methods of Teaching Ecology
Ecologicheskoe Education and Training
Harmanization of Legislation and Water Quality Standarts for IWRM in CA and RK
Environmental Safety
Labs on Ecological Monitoring
Environmental Safety of the RK
Environmental Safety
Environmental Safety
Environmental Safety
Environmental Safety
Ecological and Economic Basics of Nature Management
Environmental Safety
Environmental Safety
Ecological-economical Assessment of Regions
Ecological-economical Assessment of Regions
Ecological Audit
Certification of Raw Materials, Production Processes and Products According To International Ecological Standards
Environmental Safety
Ecological Audit
Basics of Energy Saving and Energy Audit
Ecological Audit
Basics of Energy Saving and Energy Audit
Ecological Audit
Technological Problems of Implementation of the Balance "Ecology-Energy Branch-Economy"
Ecological Audit


Абубакирова Калкаш Дауренбековна Базарбаева Т.А., Мұқанова Г.А., Таныбаева А.К. Экология және тұрақты даму "Қазақ университеті" 2016 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-2433 272 - стр.


Абубакирова Калкаш Дауренбековна Базарбаева Т.А., Мұқанова Г.А., Таныбаева А.К. Экология және тұрақты даму " Қазақ университеті " 2017 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-2433- 272 - стр.


Абубакирова Калкаш Дауренбековна Базарбаева Т.А., Мұқанова Г.А., Таныбаева А.К. Экология және тұрақты даму " Қазақ университеті " 2017 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-2433- 17 - стр.


Абубакирова Калкаш Дауренбековна Таныбаева А.К. Экология бойынша терминологиялық сөздік. " Қазақ университеті " 2018 - г. 146 - стр.


Абубакирова Калкаш Дауренбековна Таныбаева А.К. Ecology and Sustainable Development " Қазақ университеті " 2018 - г. 214 - стр.


Абубакирова Калкаш Дауренбековна Таныбаева А.К., Рысмагамбетова А.А. 1. «Environment and sustainable development» Environment and Sustainable Development: educationalmethodical manual / A.K. Tanybayeva, K.D. Abubakirova, A.A. Rysmagambetova. – Almaty: Kazakh University, 2019. – 200 p. ISBN 978-601-04-1100-5 " Қазақ университеті " 2020 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-1100 200 - стр.


Абубакирова Калкаш Дауренбековна Таныбаева А.К., Керимкулова А.Б., Рысмагамбетова А.А. ЖАРАТЫЛЫСТАНУДЫҢ ЭКОЛОГИЯЛЫҚ АСПЕКТІЛЕРІ " Қазақ университеті " 2020 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-4407 300 - стр.


Абубакирова Калкаш Дауренбековна Таныбаева А.К., Рысмагамбетова А.А. The social and economic aspects of environmental issues in the Republic of Kazakhstan / Tanybayeva A.K., Abubakirova K.D., Rysmagambetova A.A. Editions du JIPTO – 2019. – 146 p. Fidjip. – Paris: Editions du JIPTO 2019 - г. ISBN 978-2-35175-068 146 - стр.


Абубакирова Калкаш ДауренбековнаБазарбаева Т.А. Экологическое состояния водных ресурсов Республики Казахстан 2015 - г. 6 - стр. 1


Абубакирова Калкаш ДауренбековнаТаныбаева А.К. 2016 - г. 5 - стр. 0




Абубакирова Калкаш ДауренбековнаОразбаев А.Е., Таныбаева А.К., Зубова О.А. Оқу бағдарламаларын қалыптастырудағы кұзыретті-бағытталған тәсіл 2017 - г. 5 - стр. 0


Абубакирова Калкаш ДауренбековнаТаныбаева А.К., Темирбаева К.А., Зубова О.А. Обзор современных технологий опреснения морской воды и перспективы их развития 2017 - г. 13 - стр. 44


Абубакирова Калкаш Дауренбековна обзор современных технологий опреснения морской воды и перспективы их развития 2017 - г. 12 - стр. 44


Абубакирова Калкаш Дауренбековна Состояние и приоритеты устойчивого развития нефтяного комплекса 2017 - г. 10 - стр. 44


Абубакирова Калкаш Дауренбековна практика использования проектного метода в образовательных экологических программах 2017 - г. 4 - стр. 1


Абубакирова Калкаш ДауренбековнаТаныбаева А.К., Зубова О.А. Central Asian region: environmental pollution with production and consumption wastes 2018 - г. 7 - стр. 2


Абубакирова Калкаш ДауренбековнаВоронова Н.., Таныбаева А.К., Зубова О.А. Central Asian Region: analysis of environmental pollution 2019 - г. 15 - стр. 0


Абубакирова Калкаш ДауренбековнаВоронова Н.., Таныбаева А.К., Тажибаева Т.Л. Scientific priorities of new environmental program 2020 - г. 8 - стр. 56


Абубакирова Калкаш ДауренбековнаТаныбаева А.К., Зубова О.А., Воронова Н.. Формирование экологического мировоззрения и культуры в преподавании дисциплин по специальности «Экология» 2019 - г. 8 - стр. 62


Абубакирова Калкаш ДауренбековнаТаныбаева А.К., Мұқанова Г.А., Воронова Н.. Студенттерді оқыту және тәрбиелеу процесінде экологиялық құзыреттілікті қалыптастыру 2019 - г. 6 - стр. 0


Абубакирова Калкаш ДауренбековнаВоронова Н.., Таныбаева А.К. Личностно ориентированное обучение в высшей школе 2019 - г. 6 - стр. 63


Абубакирова Калкаш ДауренбековнаДаулетбаева М.М., Воронова Н.., Зубова О.А., Таныбаева А.К. Современные теплоизоляционные материалы в строительстве. 2019 - г. 8 - стр. 63


Абубакирова Калкаш ДауренбековнаЗубова О.А., Воронова Н.., Таныбаева А.К. ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ УСТОЙЧИВОГО РАЗВИТИЯ В ЦЕНТРАЛЬНО-АЗИАТСКОМ РЕГИОНЕ 2020 - г. 10 - стр. 137


Абубакирова Калкаш ДауренбековнаЛесхан А.Б., Таныбаева А.К. «АҚЫЛДЫ ҚАЛАЛАРДЫҢ» ТАРАЛУЫНЫҢ ҚАЗІРГІ ЖАҒДАЙЫ 2020 - г. 5 - стр. 137


Абубакирова Калкаш ДауренбековнаВоронова Н.., Зубова О.А., Таныбаева А.К. ОБЗОР ИННОВАЦИОННЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ ЭНЕРГОСБЕРЕЖЕНИЯ 2019 - г. 8 - стр. 136


Абубакирова Калкаш ДауренбековнаЗубова О.А., Воронова Н.., Таныбаева А.К. ОБЗОР ИННОВАЦИОННЫХ ЭНЕРГОСБЕРЕГАЮЩИХ ОКОННЫХ СИСТЕМ 2019 - г. 7 - стр. 133


Абубакирова Калкаш ДауренбековнаТаныбаева А.К., Зубова О.А., Воронова Н.. Новые подходы к формированию эколого-ориентированного специалиста в вузе. 2020 - г. 8 - стр. 0
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