Main / Journalism / UNESCO for Journalism and Communication / Кутпанбаева Жазира Бектемисовна

Кутпанбаева Жазира Бектемисовна

Position Преподаватель
Кафедра ЮНЕСКО, международной журналистики и медиа в обществе
First higher education
Educational institution Квалификация Expiration date
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби Магистратура 2016
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби Высшее 2003
File name Headline Description
Practice of Communication With Population
Principles of Business Communication
Reputation and business capital
Financial accounting and budgeting of PR projects
Research workshop
Foreign Journalism
Organization of PR-projects
Modern Press Service
Reputation and business capital
Financial accounting and budgeting of PR projects
Research workshop
Modern Press Service
Organization of PR-projects
Practice of Communication With Population
Reputation and business capital
Foreign Journalism
Principles of Business Communication
Modern Press Service
Research workshop
Reputation and business capital
PR in Public Authorities
Foreign Journalism
Research workshop
Modern Press Service
Research workshop
Reputation and business capital
The system of political communication
The system of political communication
Research workshop
Research workshop
Ethics of PR
Finance Management
Principles of Business Communication
Research workshop
Research workshop
Management and marketing of modern communications
Convergent and Multimedia Journalism
Ethics of PR
Foreign Journalism
Research workshop
Research workshop
Consulting in PR
Practice of Communication With Population
Principles of Business Communication
Reputation and business capital
Management and marketing of modern communications
Assessment and measurement of public opinion
Assessment and measurement of public opinion
Convergent and Multimedia Journalism
Advertising and creativity
Consulting in PR
Management and marketing of modern communications
Advertising and creativity
Modern Press Service
Ethics of PR
Reputation and business capital
Practice of Communication With Population
Research workshop
Consulting in PR
Practice of Communication With Population
Practice of Communication With Population
Practice of Communication With Population
Principles of Business Communication
Management and marketing of modern communications
Modern Press Service
Principles of Business Communication
Principles of Business Communication
Principles of Business Communication
Advertising and creativity
Assessment and measurement of public opinion
Assessment and measurement of public opinion
Convergent and Multimedia Journalism
Convergent and Multimedia Journalism
Convergent and Multimedia Journalism
Modern Press Service
Management and marketing of modern communications
Assessment and measurement of public opinion
Assessment and measurement of public opinion
Management and marketing of modern communications
Convergent and Multimedia Journalism
Advertising and creativity
Modern Press Service
Principles of Business Communication
Principles of Business Communication
Convergent and Multimedia Journalism
Management and marketing of modern communications
Advertising and creativity
Consulting in PR
Research workshop
Consulting in PR
Practice of Communication With Population
Practice of Communication With Population
Consulting in PR
Research workshop
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Reputation and business capital
Management and marketing of modern communications
Convergent and Multimedia Journalism
Research workshop
Consulting in PR
Organization of PR-projects
Management and marketing of modern communications
Practice of Communication With Population
Modern Press Service
Research workshop
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Practice of Communication With Population
Practice of Communication With Population
Practice of Communication With Population
Management and marketing of modern communications
Advertising and creativity
Ethics of PR
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Principles of Business Communication
Modern Press Service
Modern Press Service
Practice of Communication With Population
Research workshop
Research workshop
Management and marketing of modern communications
Reputation and business capital
Ethics of PR
Foreign Journalism
Multimedia and IT-support in PR
Assessment and measurement of public opinion
Ethics of PR
Convergent and Multimedia Journalism
Building and maintaining of online community
Modern Press Service
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Management and marketing of modern communications
Reputation and business capital
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Practice of Communication With Population
Reputation and business capital
Modern Press Service
Convergent and Multimedia Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Convergent and Multimedia Journalism
Reputation and business capital
Assessment and measurement of public opinion
Advertising and creativity
Principles of Business Communication
Principles of Business Communication
Foreign Journalism
Practice of Communication With Population
Practice of Communication With Population
Practice of Communication With Population
Consulting in PR
Management and marketing of modern communications
Research workshop
Writing informational PR-materials
Building and maintaining of online community
Modern Press Service
Foreign Journalism
The system of political communication
The system of political communication
PR in Public Authorities
Principles of Business Communication
Negative Methods of PR
Organization of PR-projects
Modern Press Service
The system of political communication
Inner PR
Inner PR
Technology PR
Technology PR
PR in Public Authorities
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
Organization of PR-projects
Organization of PR-projects
Organization of PR-projects
Labor and Capital Intensity of Public Relations
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
Organization of PR-projects
Organization of PR-projects
Organization of PR-projects
Management and marketing of modern communications
Organization of PR-projects
Visualization of communication projects
Assessment and measurement of public opinion
PR in Public Authorities
PR in Public Authorities
Principles of Business Communication
Foreign Journalism
Language and Style of Mass Communications
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
Management and marketing of modern communications
Organization of PR-projects
Technology PR
Technology PR
Inner PR
PR in Public Authorities
Building and maintaining of online community
The system of political communication
Modern Press Service
Language and Style of Mass Communications
Coverage of the Election Process in Foreign Media
PR in Public Authorities
Organization of PR-projects
Social Media Marketing
Negative Methods of PR
Language and Style of Mass Communications
Language and Style of Mass Communications
Principles of Business Communication
Reputation and business capital
Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Ethics of PR
Social Media Marketing
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Organization of PR-projects
Foreign Journalism
Organization of PR-projects
Technology PR
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Writing informational PR-materials
Building and maintaining of online community
Building and maintaining of online community
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
The system of political communication
Negative Methods of PR
PR in Public Authorities
Inner PR
Technology PR
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Foreign Journalism
Organization of PR-projects
Social Media Marketing
PR in Public Authorities
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
Organization of PR-projects
Foreign Journalism
Organization of PR-projects
Inner PR
Technology PR
Technology PR
Technology PR
The system of political communication
The system of political communication
Principles of Business Communication
PR in Public Authorities
Management and marketing of modern communications
PR in Public Authorities
Management and marketing of modern communications
PR in Public Authorities
Modern Press Service
Technology PR
PR in Public Authorities
The system of political communication
Inner PR
Technology PR
Building and maintaining of online community
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
Organization of PR-projects
The system of political communication
The system of political communication
Modern Press Service
The system of political communication
The system of political communication
The system of political communication
Technology PR
Technology PR
Technology PR
Technology PR
Technology PR
Technology PR
Technology PR
Technology PR
Technology PR
The system of political communication
The system of political communication
The system of political communication
Technology PR
Technology PR
The system of political communication
Principles of Business Communication
Financial accounting and budgeting of PR projects
Technology PR
Inner PR
Technology PR
Technology PR
Technology PR
PR in Public Authorities
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
Management and marketing of modern communications
Building and maintaining of online community
Building and maintaining of online community
Building and maintaining of online community
Building and maintaining of online community
Building and maintaining of online community
The system of political communication
The system of political communication
The system of political communication
The system of political communication
Organization of PR-projects
Social Media Marketing
Modern Press Service
Modern Press Service
Technology PR
The system of political communication
Negative Methods of PR
Inner PR
Creating a business plan for the project
Writing informational PR-materials
Principles of Business Communication
PR in Public Authorities
Building and maintaining of online community
Reputation and business capital
PR- support on execution of "Ruhani zhangyru" concept
The system of political communication
The system of political communication
PR in Public Authorities
Multimedia and IT-support in PR
Management and marketing of modern communications
Modern Press Service
Coverage of the Election Process in Foreign Media
Technology PR
Technology PR
Inner PR
Modern Press Service


Кутпанбаева Жазира БектемисовнаОразбекова З.С. Жанровые особенности компьтерной лексики: проблемы языка и стиля 2016 - г. 4 - стр. 2


Кутпанбаева Жазира Бектемисовна Қоғамдық санадағы БАҚ мәдениеті 2017 - г. 5 - стр. 1


Кутпанбаева Жазира Бектемисовна Массовая культура в общественном сознании 2016 - г. 4 - стр. 0


Кутпанбаева Жазира Бектемисовна Қоғамдық санадағы танымал мәдениет мақала 2017 - г. 3 - стр. 1


Кутпанбаева Жазира Бектемисовна Communication strstegies and technologies 2016 - г. 4 - стр. 1


Кутпанбаева Жазира Бектемисовна Mass culture in the public 2016 - г. 3 - стр. 1


Кутпанбаева Жазира Бектемисовна COMMUNICATION STRATEGS AND TECHOLOGIES IN THE MEDIA 2017 - г. 4 - стр. 1


Кутпанбаева Жазира Бектемисовна БАҚ пен байланыс үрдісіндегі стратегиялар 2018 - г. 9 - стр. 0


Кутпанбаева Жазира Бектемисовна Бұқаралық коммуникация жүйесіндегі теледидар мәні.............................. 2019 - г. 4 - стр. 16


Кутпанбаева Жазира Бектемисовна БАҚ-тағы коммуникативті стратегиялар мен технологиялар 2019 - г. 6 - стр. 1
Author Documents



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