Кегембаева Ж. А. Цифрлық медицина және құқықтық тәуекелдер: мәселелер мен пайымдаулар
«Ученые труды Алматинской академии МВД Республики
0 - г.
0 - стр.
Кегембаева Ж. А. Ensuring children’s online safety in Kazakhstan: balancing protection from harm with rights to information access
Security and Human Rights
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0 - стр.
Мырзатаев Н. Д.
The Transformational Role of Entrepreneurial Universities in Fostering Tourism Sector of Kazakhstan: Legal Documentary Analysis
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism
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0 - стр.
Мырзатаев Н. Д.
The Legal Regime of Aquatic Biological Resources in the 18th century in the Positive and Customary Law of the Permian Peoples
Bylye gody
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0 - стр.
Мырзатаев Н. Д.
The Establishment of International University Campuses as a Key Factor in the Development of Local Tourism in the Turkestan Region in Kazakhstan: Economic and Legal Aspects
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism
0 - г.
0 - стр.