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Мухаметкаримов Е. С. Термическая стабильность поверхностного плазмонного резонансного поглощения в нанокомпозитных пленках a-С:Н(Ag+TiО2) Оптика и спектроскопия 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Турмухамбетов А. Ж. X-ray Diffraction Analysis of Silicon Nanoparticales and Nanowires Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Максимов В. Ю. The use of a new “clean” technology for burning low-grade coal in on boilers of Kazakhstan TPPs Bulgarian chemical communications 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Аскарова А. С. The use of a new “clean” technology for burning low-grade coal in on boilers of Kazakhstan TPPs Bulgarian chemical communications 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Болегенова С. А. The use of a new “clean” technology for burning low-grade coal in on boilers of Kazakhstan TPPs Bulgarian chemical communications 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Манатбаев Р. К. The use of a new “clean” technology for burning low-grade coal in on boilers of Kazakhstan TPPs Bulgarian chemical communications 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Болегенова С. А. The use of a new “clean” technology for burning low-grade coal in on boilers of Kazakhstan TPPs Bulgarian chemical communications 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Болегенова С. А. The use of a new “clean” technology for burning low-grade coal in on boilers of Kazakhstan TPPs Bulgarian chemical communications 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Болегенова С. А. The computational study of heat and mass transfer processes at combustion of pulverized Kazakh coal in real conditions of energy objects Bulgarian chemical communications 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Болегенова С. А. The computational study of heat and mass transfer processes at combustion of pulverized Kazakh coal in real conditions of energy objects Bulgarian chemical communications 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Манатбаев Р. К. The computational study of heat and mass transfer processes at combustion of pulverized Kazakh coal in real conditions of energy objects Bulgarian chemical communications 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Болегенова С. А. The computational study of heat and mass transfer processes at combustion of pulverized Kazakh coal in real conditions of energy objects Bulgarian chemical communications 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Аскарова А. С. The computational study of heat and mass transfer processes at combustion of pulverized Kazakh coal in real conditions of energy objects Bulgarian chemical communications 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Максимов В. Ю. The computational study of heat and mass transfer processes at combustion of pulverized Kazakh coal in real conditions of energy objects Bulgarian chemical communications 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Давлетов А. Е. Chemical model for positively charged dust particles Physics of plasmas 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Мухаметкаримов Е. С. Chemical model for positively charged dust particles Physics of plasmas 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Мухаметкаримов Е. С. ХИМИЧЕСКАЯ МОДЕЛЬ ТРЕХКОМПОНЕНТНОЙ ПЫЛЕВОЙ ПЛАЗМЫ Recent Contributions to Physics 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Давлетов А. Е. ХИМИЧЕСКАЯ МОДЕЛЬ ТРЕХКОМПОНЕНТНОЙ ПЫЛЕВОЙ ПЛАЗМЫ Recent Contributions to Physics 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Нұғыманова А. О. The use of a new “clean” technology for burning low-grade coal in on boilers of Kazakhstan TPPs Bulgarian chemical communications 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Нұғыманова А. О. The computational study of heat and mass transfer processes at combustion of pulverized Kazakh coal in real conditions of energy objects Bulgarian chemical communications 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Нұғыманова А. О. Investigation of the different Reynolds numbers influence on the atomization and combustion processes of liquid fuel Bulgarian chemical communications 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Нұғыманова А. О. Application of electron-beam technology to reduce anthropogenic load of thermal power plants International Journal of Mathematics and Physics 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Нұғыманова А. О. Modern computing experiments on pulverized coal combustion processes in boiler furnaces "Известия НАН РК" серия физико-математическая 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Аскарова А. С. Modern computing experiments on pulverized coal combustion processes in boiler furnaces. of the national academy of sciences of the republic of kazakhstan physico-mathematical series ISSN 1991-346Х https Известия НАН РК 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Асқарұлы Ә. Динамические структурные факторы модельной неидеальной плазмы Журнал проблем эволюции открытых систем 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Ашикбаева А. Б. Динамические структурные факторы модельной неидеальной плазмы Журнал проблем эволюции открытых систем 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Архипов Ю. В. Динамические структурные факторы модельной неидеальной плазмы Журнал проблем эволюции открытых систем 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Архипов Ю. В. Stopping of charged particles in dense one-component plasmas "Вестник КазНУ" 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Ашикбаева А. Б. Stopping of charged particles in dense one-component plasmas "Вестник КазНУ" 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Асқарұлы Ә. Stopping of charged particles in dense one-component plasmas "Вестник КазНУ" 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Асқарұлы Ә. Анализ методов расчета статических характеристик плотных кулоновских систем "Вестник КазНУ" 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Ашикбаева А. Б. Анализ методов расчета статических характеристик плотных кулоновских систем "Вестник КазНУ" 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Давлетов А. Е. Анализ методов расчета статических характеристик плотных кулоновских систем "Вестник КазНУ" 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Архипов Ю. В. Анализ методов расчета статических характеристик плотных кулоновских систем "Вестник КазНУ" 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Максутханова А. М. A.Askarova, S.Bolegenova, Sh.Ospanova, S.Bolegenova, V.Maximov, Yr.Berezovskaya, A.Nugymanova, Zh.Shortanbayeva, A.Tuyakbayev, Kh.Berdykhan, E.Zulbukharova Investigation of various types of liquid fuel atomization and combustion processes at high turbulence Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Зульбухарова Э. М. A.Askarova, S.Bolegenova, Sh.Ospanova, S.Bolegenova, V.Maximov, Yr.Berezovskaya, A.Nugymanova, Zh.Shortanbayeva, A.Tuyakbayev, Kh.Berdykhan, E.Zulbukharova Investigation of various types of liquid fuel atomization and combustion processes at high turbulence Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Максимов В. Ю. A.Askarova, S.Bolegenova, Sh.Ospanova, S.Bolegenova, V.Maximov, Yr.Berezovskaya, A.Nugymanova, Zh.Shortanbayeva, A.Tuyakbayev, Kh.Berdykhan, E.Zulbukharova Investigation of various types of liquid fuel atomization and combustion processes at high turbulence Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Оспанова Ш. С. A.Askarova, S.Bolegenova, Sh.Ospanova, S.Bolegenova, V.Maximov, Yr.Berezovskaya, A.Nugymanova, Zh.Shortanbayeva, A.Tuyakbayev, Kh.Berdykhan, E.Zulbukharova Investigation of various types of liquid fuel atomization and combustion processes at high turbulence Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Нұғыманова А. О. A.Askarova, S.Bolegenova, Sh.Ospanova, S.Bolegenova, V.Maximov, Yr.Berezovskaya, A.Nugymanova, Zh.Shortanbayeva, A.Tuyakbayev, Kh.Berdykhan, E.Zulbukharova Investigation of various types of liquid fuel atomization and combustion processes at high turbulence Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Туякбаев А. А. A.Askarova, S.Bolegenova, Sh.Ospanova, S.Bolegenova, V.Maximov, Yr.Berezovskaya, A.Nugymanova, Zh.Shortanbayeva, A.Tuyakbayev, Kh.Berdykhan, E.Zulbukharova Investigation of various types of liquid fuel atomization and combustion processes at high turbulence Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 0 - г. 0 - стр.