Main / Law / Criminal law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics / Акболатова Марал Елтаевна

Акболатова Марал Елтаевна

Position Зам.зав.каф.по учебной, метод. и воспитательной работе, Ст.пpеподаватель
Кафедра уголовного права и уголовного процесса, криминалистики
Scopus author ID: 57193509723
Is hidden
       Akbolatova Maral Yeltaevna was born in 1974 in the Almaty region, in 1992 she entered the Faculty of Law with a degree in Law at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and graduated in 1997. In 1997, she entered the magistracy of the faculty of law at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and successfully graduated in 1999. In 2008-2010, she worked as a teacher in the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics of the Law Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. From 2011 to the present, she has been working as a senior teacher of this department. Since 2012, she is the head of the student volunteer club "Shapagat". He is the curator-adviser of students of the 111 group of the law faculty.
First higher education
Educational institution Квалификация Expiration date
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби Магистратура 1999
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби Высшее 1997
Academic degree
File name Headline Description
Qualifications of Crimes in the Sphere of Economical Activity
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Prevention of Crimes
Prevention of Crimes
Prevention of Crimes
Qualifications of Crimes in the Sphere of Economical Activity
Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Qualification of Crimes Against Safety, A Management Public Order
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Qualification of Crimes Against Public Safety, Public Order and Order Management
Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Qualification of Crimes in the Tax Sphere
Prevention of Crimes
Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Qualifications of Crimes in the Sphere of Economical Activity
Qualifications of Crimes in the Sphere of Economical Activity
Qualifications of Crimes in the Sphere of Economical Activity
Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Qualifications of Crimes in the Sphere of Economical Activity
Qualifications of Crimes in the Sphere of Economical Activity
Qualifications of Crimes in the Sphere of Economical Activity
Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Qualifications of Crimes in the Sphere of Economical Activity
Criminal Law
Prevention of Crimes
Prevention of Crimes
Prevention of Crimes
Problems of Qualification of Crimes in Economy Sphere
Prevention of Crimes
Prevention of Crimes
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Legal Bases of Corruption Control
Bases of Management in Law Enforcement Agencies
Methodological basis of research cold steel
Methodological basis of research cold steel
Methodological basis of research cold steel
Methodological basis of research cold steel
Legal Bases of Corruption Control
Qualification of Crimes in the Tax Sphere
Responsibility for Offenses in the Sphere of Public Safety
Family Criminology
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Prevention of Crimes
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Legal Bases of Corruption Control
Legal Bases of Corruption Control
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Family Criminology
Family Criminology
Problems of Qualification of Crimes in Economy Sphere
Prevention of Crimes
Bases of Management in Law Enforcement Agencies
Legal Bases of Corruption Control
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Bases of Management in Law Enforcement Agencies
Legal Bases of Corruption Control
Problems of Qualification of Crimes in Economy Sphere
Qualification of Crimes in the Tax Sphere
Prevention of Crimes
Prevention of Crimes
Prevention of Crimes
Prevention of Crimes
Prevention of Crimes
Qualification of Crimes in the Tax Sphere
Prevention of Crimes
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Prevention of Crimes
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Family Criminology
Legal Bases of Corruption Control
Legal Bases of Corruption Control
Family Criminology
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Qualification of Crimes in the Tax Sphere
Qualification of Crimes in the Tax Sphere
Prevention of Crimes
Problems of Qualification of Crimes in Economy Sphere
Prevention of Crimes
Legal Bases of Corruption Control
Bases of Management in Law Enforcement Agencies
Prevention of Crimes
Criminal-Executive Law
Problems of Qualification of Crimes in Economy Sphere
Prevention of Crimes
Responsibility for Offenses in the Sphere of Public Safety
Prevention of Crimes
Prevention of Crimes
Problems of Qualification of Crimes in Economy Sphere
Qualification of Crimes in the Tax Sphere
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Bases of Management in Law Enforcement Agencies
Bases of Management in Law Enforcement Agencies
Prevention of Crimes
Prevention of Crimes
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Problems of Qualification of Crimes in Economy Sphere
Legal Bases of Corruption Control
Legal Bases of Corruption Control
Legal Bases of Corruption Control
Family Criminology
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Family Criminology
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Problems of Qualification of Crimes in Economy Sphere
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Responsibility for Offenses in the Sphere of Public Safety
Prevention of Crimes
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Legal Bases of Corruption Control
Legal Bases of Corruption Control
Bases of Management in Law Enforcement Agencies
Criminal Law (general part)
Legal Bases of Corruption Control
Legal Bases of Corruption Control
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Methods of Investigation of Criminal Offenses in the Sphere of Economic Activity
Prevention of Crimes
Prevention of Crimes
Qualification of Crimes in the Tax Sphere
Problems of Qualification of Crimes in Economy Sphere
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part)
Prevention of Crimes
Prevention of Crimes
Prevention of Crimes
Prevention of Crimes
Prevention of Crimes
Qualification of Crimes Against Safety, A Management Public Order
Qualification of Crimes Against Public Safety, Public Order and Order Management
Bases of Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Family Criminology
Problems of Qualification of Crimes in Economy Sphere
Prevention of Crimes
Prevention of Crimes
Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Family Criminology
Prevention of Crimes
Problems of Qualification of Crimes in Economy Sphere
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Family Criminology
Problems of Qualification of Crimes in Economy Sphere
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Qualification of Economic and Corruption Crimes
Qualification of Economic and Corruption Crimes
Legal Statistics
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Basics of Qualification of Criminal Offenses
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Prevention of Crimes
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Qualification of Crimes in the Tax Sphere
Bases of Management in Law Enforcement Agencies
Qualification of Economic and Corruption Crimes
Prevention of Crimes
Prevention of Crimes
Responsibility for Offenses in the Sphere of Public Safety
Basics of Qualification of Criminal Offenses
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Responsibility for Offenses in the Sphere of Public Safety
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Legal Bases of Corruption Control
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Qualification of Crimes in the Tax Sphere
Prevention of Crimes
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Qualification of Crimes in the Tax Sphere
Criminal-Executive Law
Qualification of Crimes Against Public Safety, Public Order and Order Management
Qualification of Economic and Corruption Crimes
Criminal Law
Prevention of Criminal Offences
Law Enforcement Bodies
Responsibility for Offenses in the Sphere of Public Safety
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Modern SMART Technologies in Crime Counteraction
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Criminally-legal security of the financial sector
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Legal Statistics
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Modern SMART Technologies in Crime Counteraction
Criminal-Executive Law
Prevention of Criminal Offences
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Legal Bases of Corruption Control
Progressive System of Execution of Criminal Sanctions
Legal Bases of Corruption Control
Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Criminal Policy of the State in the Sphere of Struggle With Custom Crimes
Qualification of Crimes in the Tax Sphere
Qualification of Crimes in the Tax Sphere
Bases of Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Prevention of Customs Offenses
Problems of Qualification of Crimes in Economy Sphere
Bases of Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Criminal Policy of the RK
Responsibility for Offenses in the Sphere of Public Safety
Bases of Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Bases of Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Qualification of Crimes Against Safety, A Management Public Order
Criminal Law
Qualification of Crimes Against Public Safety, Public Order and Order Management
Criminal Law
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Bases of Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Bases of Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Bases of Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Bases of Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Criminal Process Law
Qualification of Economic and Corruption Crimes
Legal Statistics
Qualification of Crimes Against Safety, A Management Public Order
Qualification of Crimes Against Public Safety, Public Order and Order Management
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Legal Statistics
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Legal Statistics
Legal Statistics
Qualification of Economic and Corruption Crimes
Criminal Law
Criminal-Executive Law
Legal Statistics
Qualification of Economic and Corruption Crimes
Qualification of Crimes Against Safety, A Management Public Order
Qualification of Crimes Against Safety, A Management Public Order
Qualification of Crimes Against Public Safety, Public Order and Order Management
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Legal Statistics
Qualification of Crimes Against Justice and an Order of Execution of Punishments
Theory and Practice of Application of Criminal Punishment
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Crimes Against Interests of the Personality A Family and Minors
Qualification of Economic and Corruption Crimes
Qualification of Economic and Corruption Crimes
Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Prevention of Crimes
Family Criminology
Criminal Law
Qualification of Economic and Corruption Crimes
Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Theory and Practice of Application of Criminal Punishment
Legal Bases of Corruption Control
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Criminal-Executive Law
Qualification of Economic and Corruption Crimes
Family Criminology
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Progressive System of Execution of Criminal Sanctions
Qualification of Crimes in the Tax Sphere
Qualification of Crimes Against Public Safety, Public Order and Order Management
Qualification of Crimes Against Safety, A Management Public Order
Bases of Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Qualification of Crimes in the Tax Sphere
Criminal Process Law
Criminal Law
Qualification of Crimes Against Public Safety, Public Order and Order Management
Criminal Law
Qualification of Crimes Against Safety, A Management Public Order
Qualification of Economic and Corruption Crimes
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Bases of Management in Law Enforcement Agencies
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Qualification of Crimes in the Tax Sphere
Criminally-legal security of the financial sector
Legal Statistics
Legal Statistics
Bases of Management in Law Enforcement Agencies
Law Enforcement Bodies
Law Enforcement Bodies
Qualification of Economic and Corruption Crimes
Criminal Law
Qualification of Crimes Against Public Safety, Public Order and Order Management
Qualification of Crimes Against Safety, A Management Public Order
Qualification of Crimes Against Safety, A Management Public Order
Qualification of Crimes Against Public Safety, Public Order and Order Management
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Bases of Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Bases of Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Prevention of Customs Offenses
Qualification of Crimes in the Tax Sphere
Criminal Policy of the RK
Problems of Qualification of Crimes in Economy Sphere
Responsibility for Offenses in the Sphere of Public Safety
Qualification of Crimes Against Safety, A Management Public Order
Qualification of Crimes Against Public Safety, Public Order and Order Management
Qualification of Economic and Corruption Crimes
Criminal-Executive Law
Qualification of Crimes in the Tax Sphere
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Family Criminology
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Progressive System of Execution of Criminal Sanctions
Responsibility for Offenses in the Sphere of Public Safety
Responsibility for Offenses in the Sphere of Public Safety
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Criminal Policy of the RK
Bases of Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Prevention of Crimes
Prevention of Crimes
Problems of Qualification of Crimes in Economy Sphere
Legal Statistics
Criminally-legal security of the financial sector
Bases of Management in Law Enforcement Agencies
Bases of Management in Law Enforcement Agencies
Legal Statistics
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Prevention of Crimes
Law Enforcement Bodies
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Responsibility for Offenses in the Sphere of Public Safety
Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Problems of Qualification of Crimes in Economy Sphere
Family Criminology
Family Criminology
Prevention of Crimes
Qualification of Economic and Corruption Crimes
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Criminal-Executive Law
Qualification of Crimes Against Public Safety, Public Order and Order Management
Bases of Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Problems of Qualification of Crimes in Economy Sphere
Criminal Policy of the RK
Theory and Practice of Application of Criminal Punishment
Crimes Against Interests of the Personality A Family and Minors
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Bases of Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Bases of Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Criminal Process Law
Prevention of Customs Offenses
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Criminal-Executive Law
Family Criminology
Legal Statistics
Legal Statistics
Criminal-Executive Law
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Legal Bases of Corruption Control
Legal Statistics
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Criminal Process Law
Prevention of Customs Offenses
Bases of Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Bases of Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Bases of Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Bases of Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Qualification of Economic and Corruption Crimes
Legal Statistics
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Qualification of Crimes Against Justice and an Order of Execution of Punishments
Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Progressive System of Execution of Criminal Sanctions
Law Enforcement Bodies
Qualification of Crimes in the Tax Sphere
Bases of Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Qualification of Economic and Corruption Crimes
Criminal-Executive Law
Qualification of Crimes in the Tax Sphere
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Prevention of Crimes
Qualification of Crimes in the Tax Sphere
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Responsibility for Offenses in the Sphere of Public Safety
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Law Enforcement Bodies
Law Enforcement Bodies
Law Enforcement Bodies
Law Enforcement Bodies
Law Enforcement Bodies
Law Enforcement Bodies
Progressive System of Execution of Criminal Sanctions
Law Enforcement Bodies
Law Enforcement Bodies
Law Enforcement Bodies
Law Enforcement Bodies
Law Enforcement Bodies
Law Enforcement Bodies
Law Enforcement Bodies
Legal Statistics
Qualification of Crimes Against Safety, A Management Public Order
Criminal Policy of the State in the Sphere of Struggle With Custom Crimes
Bases of Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Criminal Policy of the RK
Prevention of Crimes
Prevention of Crimes
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Prevention of Crimes
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Prevention of Crimes
Responsibility for Offenses in the Sphere of Public Safety
Responsibility for Offenses in the Sphere of Public Safety
Basics of Qualification of Criminal Offenses
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Problems of Qualification of Crimes in Economy Sphere
Prevention of Crimes
Prevention of Crimes
Legal Statistics
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Bases of Management in Law Enforcement Agencies
Criminally-legal security of the financial sector
Law Enforcement Bodies
Law Enforcement Bodies
Criminal Policy of the State in the Sphere of Struggle With Custom Crimes
Legal Bases of Corruption Control
Problems of Qualification of Crimes in Economy Sphere
Problems of Qualification of Crimes in Economy Sphere
Prevention of Crimes
Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Bases of Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Criminal-Executive Law
Qualification of Economic and Corruption Crimes
Qualification of Crimes in the Tax Sphere
Criminal Policy of the State in the Sphere of Struggle With Custom Crimes
Criminal Policy of the State in the Sphere of Struggle With Custom Crimes
Criminal Policy of the State in the Sphere of Struggle With Custom Crimes
Criminally-legal security of the financial sector
Legal Statistics
Bases of Management in Law Enforcement Agencies
Family Criminology
Family Criminology
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Qualifcation A Crimes Aqainst Property
Progressive System of Execution of Criminal Sanctions
Law Enforcement Bodies
Qualification of Crimes Against Safety, A Management Public Order
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Qualification of Economic and Corruption Crimes
Criminal Process Law
Legal Statistics
Qualification of Crimes Against Public Safety, Public Order and Order Management
Theory and Practice of Application of Criminal Punishment
Qualification of Crimes Against Justice and an Order of Execution of Punishments
Crimes Against Interests of the Personality A Family and Minors
Prevention of Customs Offenses
Bases of Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Bases of Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Qualification of Economic and Corruption Crimes
Criminal-Executive Law
Family Criminology
Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Criminal Policy of the State in the Sphere of Struggle With Custom Crimes
Criminal-Executive Law
Qualification of Crimes Against Public Safety, Public Order and Order Management
Qualification of Crimes in the Tax Sphere
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Criminal Policy of the RK
Qualification of Crimes in the Tax Sphere
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Legal Bases of Corruption Control
Responsibility for Offenses in the Sphere of Public Safety
Prevention of Criminal Offences
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Law Enforcement Bodies
Progressive System of Execution of Criminal Sanctions
Legal Statistics
Basics of Qualification A Crime
Bases of Qualification of Crimes Against the Person
Problems of Qualification of Crimes in Economy Sphere
Legal Bases of Corruption Control
Problems of criminal liability for criminal offenses against justice and the order of execution of punishments
Investigation of thefts, robberies, etc.
Investigation of illegal business, false bankruptcy
Methodological basis of research cold steel
Problems of criminal liability for criminal offenses against justice and the order of execution of punishments
Prevention of Criminal Offences
Methodological basis of research cold steel
Investigation of illegal business, false bankruptcy
Bases of Management in Law Enforcement Agencies
Criminally-legal security of the financial sector
Qualification of Crimes Against Safety, A Management Public Order
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Qualification of Economic and Corruption Crimes
Criminal Law
Qualification of Crimes Against Safety, A Management Public Order
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Responsibility for Offenses in the Sphere of Public Safety
Prevention of Crimes
Prevention of Crimes
Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the General Part)
Responsibility for Offenses in the Sphere of Public Safety
Methodological basis of research cold steel
Investigation of thefts, robberies, etc.
Investigation of illegal business, false bankruptcy
Prevention of Criminal Offences
Investigation of thefts, robberies, etc.
Prevention of Criminal Offences
Problems of criminal liability for criminal offenses against justice and the order of execution of punishments


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна Джансараева Р.Е., Маликова Ш.Б., Байсалов А.Д., Нұрмағанбет Е.Т., Таубаев Б.Р., Базилова А.А., Бисенғали Л.. East West 2014 - г. ISBN 978-3-902986-06-01 10 - стр.


Акболатова Марал ЕлтаевнаДжансараева Р.Е. Түзеу мекемелерінде қылмыстардың ескерту жүйесі 2012 - г. 3 - стр. 0


Акболатова Марал ЕлтаевнаБисенова М.К., Базилова А.А., Джансараева Р.Е., Бисенғали Л.. 2013 - г. 8 - стр. 0


Акболатова Марал ЕлтаевнаЖугралина Б.М., Базилова А.А., Джансараева Р.Е., Бисенғали Л.. Problems of Determination of the Concept of “Economic Criminality” 2014 - г. 5 - стр. 0


Акболатова Марал ЕлтаевнаБазилова А.А., Бисенғали Л.. Социально-психологическая характеристика личности жертвы тяжких насильственных преступлений 2014 - г. 3 - стр. 2


Акболатова Марал ЕлтаевнаБисенғали Л.., Базилова А.А. 2016 - г. 6 - стр. 76


Акболатова Марал ЕлтаевнаЖанибеков А.К., Дүзбаева С.Б. 2015 - г. 6 - стр. 0


Акболатова Марал ЕлтаевнаДүзбаева С.Б. Ұйымдасқан қылмыскерлік ұғымының қылмыстық жағдайы мен алдын алу шаралары 2015 - г. 4 - стр. 0


Акболатова Марал ЕлтаевнаДүзбаева С.Б., Таубаев Б.Р. 2015 - г. 5 - стр. 0


Акболатова Марал ЕлтаевнаТаубаев Б.Р., Дүзбаева С.Б. 2015 - г. 5 - стр. 0


Акболатова Марал ЕлтаевнаТаубаев Б.Р., Дүзбаева С.Б. 2015 - г. 5 - стр. 0


Акболатова Марал ЕлтаевнаДүзбаева С.Б. ҚЫЛМЫСТЫҚ ІС ЖҮРГІЗУДЕ МЕДИАЦИЯ МӘСЕЛЕЛЕРІ 2015 - г. 4 - стр. 0


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна 2015 - г. 5 - стр. 5


Акболатова Марал ЕлтаевнаДүзбаева С.Б. Ұйымдасқан қылмыскерлік ұғымының қылмыстық жағдайымен алдын алу шаралары 2015 - г. 4 - стр. 0


Акболатова Марал ЕлтаевнаТаубаев Б.Р., Дүзбаева С.Б. 2015 - г. 6 - стр. 0


Акболатова Марал ЕлтаевнаТаубаев Б.Р., Дүзбаева С.Б. 2015 - г. 4 - стр. 0


Акболатова Марал ЕлтаевнаКан А.Г., Джансараева Р.Е. 2016 - г. 8 - стр. 1


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна 2016 - г. 3 - стр. 43


Акболатова Марал ЕлтаевнаДүзбаева С.Б., Таубаев Б.Р. 2015 - г. 4 - стр. 0


Акболатова Марал ЕлтаевнаКан А.Г., Джансараева Р.Е. 2016 - г. 6 - стр. 0


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна 2016 - г. 4 - стр. 1


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна 2016 - г. 5 - стр. 0


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна 2016 - г. 5 - стр. 1


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна 2016 - г. 4 - стр. 1


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна 2016 - г. 3 - стр. 0


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна 2016 - г. 3 - стр. 0


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна 2016 - г. 4 - стр. 0


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна 2016 - г. 3 - стр. 0


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна 2017 - г. 4 - стр. 0


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна 2017 - г. 4 - стр. 0


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна 2017 - г. 4 - стр. 0


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна Джансараева Р.Е. Пенитенциарлық қылмыстарды арнайы алдын-алу проблемалары 2011 - г. 6 - стр. Каз НУ


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна 2011 - г. 5 - стр. Каз НУ


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна Особенности развития уголовного законодательства, регулирующего ответственность за побег из мест лишения свободы 2012 - г. 4 - стр. Рязань


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна Некоторые вопросы классификации преступлений против правосудия 2013 - г. 5 - стр. КазНУ им. аль-Фараби


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна Жугралина Б.М. К вопросу о мерах предупреждения побегов из мест лишения свободы 2012 - г. 3 - стр. КазНУ им. аль-Фараби


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна Проблемы назначения наказания за побег измест лишения свободы 2013 - г. 3 - стр. г. Алматы КазНУ им. аль-Фараби


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна Базилова А.А., Бисенғали Л.. 2013 - г. 6 - стр. Германия


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна Базилова А.А., Бисенғали Л.. 2013 - г. 10 - стр.


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна Бисенғали Л.., Базилова А.А. 2013 - г. 3 - стр. г. Алматы, Казну им. аль-Фараби


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна Бисенғали Л.., Базилова А.А. 2013 - г. 3 - стр. г. Алматы, Казну им. аль-Фараби


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна Базилова А.А., Бисенғали Л.. Семинар сабағына оқытушының дайындалуының ерекшеліктері 2013 - г. 3 - стр.


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна Базилова А.А., Бисенғали Л.. 2012 - г. 3 - стр.


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна Базилова А.А., Бисенғали Л.. 2013 - г. 5 - стр. г. Алматы, КазНУ им. аль-Фараби


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна Базилова А.А., Бисенғали Л.. 2014 - г. 7 - стр.


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна Базилова А.А., Бисенғали Л.. 2013 - г. 9 - стр.


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна Арын А.А., Дүзбаева С.Б. 2014 - г. 5 - стр. КазНУ им. аль-Фараби


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна Жанибеков А.К., Дүзбаева С.Б. 2014 - г. 4 - стр. КазНУ имени аль-Фараби


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна Базилова А.А., Бисенғали Л.. Некоторые аспекты антикоррупционной деятельности США и Германии 2014 - г. 3 - стр. университет "ТУРАН"


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна Базилова А.А., Бисенғали Л.. Некоторые вопросы психолого-правовой характеристики насильственной преступности 2013 - г. 4 - стр. Чикаго


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна Қоғамдық қаушпсшздікке қарсы қылмыстардың жалпы сипаттамасы 2014 - г. 3 - стр. Алматы, КазНУ имени аль-Фараби


Акболатова Марал Елтаевна Частные тюрьмы в Казахстане 2014 - г. 3 - стр. Алматы, КазНУ имени аль-Фараби
Author Documents



6 по 6




Victims and Offenders
18, с. 374-391



American Journal of Criminal Justice
48, с. 1063-1079


Basic concepts and categories of penitentiary security

Dzhansarayeva, R.Y., Akbolatova, M.Y., Kan, A.G., Abdilda, D.A., Turgumbayev, M.Y.


Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics
7, с. 765-771


Problems of formation of the concept of criminal policy of state in the theory of criminal law

Dzhansarayeva, R.E., Bissengali, L., Bazilova, A.A., Akbolatova, M.E., Bissenova, M.K.


Middle East Journal of Scientific Research
14, с. 508-515

